Chapter 45- Harry

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Chapter 45- Harry

"I'm just too good at it." I smirked at her. 

"Good luck, more like." Daisy groaned. Her eyes directed to her plate as she attempted to cut through the rest of her tough meat. I knew she wouldn't like it if I offered to help her, so I didn't. 

She wasn't in a good mood. I had beaten her at pool five times before our lunch came and it was difficult because she was actually really good at it. I've never been friends with a girl who enjoys pub games, so playing it easy at first was a shock to see Daisy come back with a couple of better shots. 

After taking our time to eat our meals, drink another pint of beer and talk, we soon left the pub. Daisy of course, got pretty pissed off at me because I wouldn't let her pay. Well, the pub wouldn't let her pay because when I got our first drinks in I started a meal tab on my credit card (which sent all the meal prices to be transacted at). I think she let it go after a while of us setting off though, because I told her the holiday was on me and that I was the one who wanted her to come in the first place. 

At around 2:30, we began to walk back in to the forest but this time, on the South side, to get to the North side- where the cabin was. Sennen Cove has the most widest range of diverse nature ever. From one side of the walk we had pine trees and poppies and to the other we had giant oaks and wildflowers. It's so weird and amazing, causing it to be one of my favourite things about the place.

"Harry. These boots cost like £70, we need to find a different way." Daisy's eyes buldged at the small and muddy river below us. 

"And these cost over £200" I stepped over to the other side, easily, after I pointed at my shoes. "And I still got over perfectly fine." My smile caused her to give a short snort and for her to step down, nearer to the side of the river. She looked like a kitten, who would shiver at the sight of it.

"Here." I stretched out my hand for her. Daisy's green eyes looked at the palm I offered and then looked back up to me. "C'mon, it's only about two feet wide."

"Exactly, how am I going to get over it?" I couldn't help but grin at the way she would make any excuse for any amount of difficulty of a situation. Most people would find it annoying but I think it's really cute. 

"I've given you my hand so that I can get you over here." I laughed. Daisy gripped my hand and soon skipped over by also taking my other hand. I can't get over the fact that her hands are so soft and warm. "See, it wasn't that hard was it?"

"You're so mean to me." She showed me a silly face. "It's not fair. I'm a blonde."

"You do make a lot of excuses, don't you?" The corners of my lips raised as the girl smiled directly back at me, she knows what she does and how it effects people. 

"How long is it to go now?" She asked as she climbed over a large branch. Even though she didn't need help I placed my hand on the small of her back as she went over. I couldn't help it.

"About half an hour." I climbed over after her. "Why?"

"Just because the walk has gone past so quickly. I thought seven miles would kill me but I'm fine."

"You did well." Her head turned to face me. God damnit that little smile she does. It kills me inside, everytime. "I'm thinking of going out on the boat when we get back. Do you want to come?" I asked as I felt awkward by smiling at her for so long.

Her eyes scanned around her for a second, showing off an attractive thinking face. "Yeah, that would be nice." She smiled at me again. I want to know what she was thinking. Why was she smiling at me like that? I want to know why.

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