Chapter 28- Daisy

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Chapter 28- Daisy

I knew I couldn't handle it. I just knew it. I broke down in to peices, once again. I saw it coming so, why did I even say yes to going with him? I expected something to happen, and it was worse than I thought it would be. I fainted, having poor Harry to look after me when we should of been enjoying the time.

I felt so sorry for him. Not just because, of me fainting and him having to use his strength for the girl who was incredibly rude to him in the past but because of before I passed out. I was such a bitch. All the time I was focusing on myself, once again, thinking about how I should feel sorry for myself because the gardens was my special place to go with my Mum. I obviously wasn't looking like I was having the greatest time ever. I was so bad-mannered that I thought I should maybe say sorry to him.

Thinking about it- and I have thought and thought about this- Harry is kinda sweet. He's polite. I woke up with him peering over me, his eyes showing me that he cared about me, and his hand carefully wrapped around mine. He even used his hoodie as a pillow for my head, when I was resting on the ground of the Cafe. It's really hard to admit was pretty sweet of him. Thinking about him carrying me, making sure I was alright and safe, and showing facial expressions of scaredness makes me smile. He cared about me, and that's what makes me think that maybe he's not who I thought he was?

"There you go." He spoke under his breath as he passed me a hot chocolate.

"Thanks." I smiled. He sat next to me, on the same sofa, but far enough so that he could look at me and I could look at him if we had something to say.

"You alright? No headaches, no pains, anything?" He put down his hot chocolate to the side.

"No, I think I'm good. Thanks." He kept on checking up on me, asking me if I was alright. Like an over-protective parent. "I remember the last time I sat on this sofa I was shaking with fear. When I didn't know what to say."

"Yeah, aha. But that's gone in the past now, right? We're forgetting everything, starting a new chapter?" He asked me.

"Yeah, of course but I still feel so shitty about what I did and whatnot." My eyes travelled up his face, not in an expressive way, a in a guilty sort of way.

"Well don't be. I forgave you, even though I didn't need to, so please stop. I don't like seeing you upset."

"Ok." Is all I said, after a while of thinking.

"Good." He took a slurp out of his drink. For me, the hot chocolate was still boiling in temperature, so I didn't dare to take a sip like he did. One of the things I absolutely hate, is burning my tounge. It's just horrible and I can't think about my taste buds being burnt off by a drink or a little bite of food. I just hate it. "You want to talk? You seemed upset today...?" He put his drink back down.

"Did I? I wasn't upset about anything..." I tried to hide up the fact I was dying in bad thoughts that day with a couple of white lies. But of course, that didn't work.

"Daisy. I could see you were distracted and broken up by something. You can speak to me." The trust in his voice made me think again. Could I trust him? I don't know him well enough to tell him about my past, I thought. I really don't know him that well. Yeah, he may of taken care of me when I needed someone there for me that day but telling the story of my Mum and my Dad to someone else...

I didn't want to. I didn't feel like I could trust him. I can barely trust anyone with knowing how badly my past has effected me. Some people would probably get where I'm coming from but even so, I would perfer to keep it all a secret. I didn't want to have to go through it all again. I'd feel too blameworthy of their deaths. I always will feel like that when it comes to telling, thinking and reading of the night the best and closest people to me died and left me.

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