Phoenix High (11)

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Aphmau's pov

Aaron chuckled and grabbed my hands. I stared into his dark eyes and he slowly started to lean foreward. Our lips were just about to meet when I heard a loud squeal. I looked over and heard shushing. I went over to one of the arcade machines and saw Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan.

My face turned red and I asked "W-were you guys spying on us?"

Katelyn smiled and stood up. "N-no....we are just here.....playing some games." Katelyn said. She sounded very suspicious.

"Oh my Irene......I'm so embarrassed." I wined and hid my face in the stuffed kitty.

"Aphmau~Senpai.......THAT WAS SO CUTE!!!!" Kawaii~Chan screamed and people gave her strange looks.

"SHH!" I shushed Kawaii~Chan and she covered her mouth with her hands and giggled.

I sighed and turned to Aaron, his face was red and he put the stuffed cat I gave him under his arm.

"Why did you guys follow us?" I asked and Kawaii~Chan squealed.

"Because Aphmau~Senpai and Aaron~Kun are sooo cute!" Kawaii~Chan yelled and Katelyn shot Kawaii~Chan a look that said 'Scream one more time and I will kill you.'

I smiled and shook my head. "Do you guys want to hang out with us?" I asked and Kawaii~Chan was beaming and nodded but Katelyn shook her head no.

"Nah, I was going to bring Kawaii~Chan to see Reese so she can finally ask him out." Katelyn said and Kawaii~Chans face turned even more pink.....she is way too pink.

Kawaii~Chan pouted and Katelyn grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the arcade. I laughed and turned to Aaron. He gave me a light smile and grabbed my hand.

"Are you hungry?" He asked and I nodded.

"Okay, I'll get us some pizza and drinks." Aaron said and disappeared.

I turned back to one of the games and hugged my purple kitty. I am way too happy.

"Here Aph." Aaron's voice came from behind me.

I turned around and smiled as I took the paper plate and soda from Aaron. We sat at a small table and made small talk.

"Hey Aaron, where do you live?" I asked and Aaron too took a sip of his soda.

"I live near Phoenix Drive." Aaron said and my eyes widened.

"You live so far away from school." I said in surprise.

"Why do you live so far away?" I asked.

"It was the only place I could afford at the time." Aaron said and I frowned in thought.

"You live alone? What about your parents?" I asked and Aaron immediately frowned. Did I say something wrong?

"When I was moving to Falcon Claw my parents and I got into a car dad was killed and after three days I was sent to Falcon Claw's military school....I was given the chance to transfer to Phoenix High so I took that chance....I have no idea what happened to my mom. We never kept in touch." Aaron explained and I felt really bad.

"I-I'm sorry." I said and looked down at my lap.

"Hey, don't feel bad. Let's just enjoy our date." Aaron said as he sat forward and stroked my cheek.
Aaron walked me home and I was so dead. I was supposed to be home by 10:00pm but it's 12:00.

"Thanks for walking me home." I thanked Aaron and he smiled.

"No problem. I had fun with you tonight.....Hey Aphmau, would you like to go out again?" Aaron asked and I smiled and nodded.

"Aphmau!" My moms voice rang in my ears.

"Oh....hi mom." I said quietly and she looked so angry.

"I'm sorry for returning Aphmau so late, we kind of lost track of time." Aaron said.

My mom just sighed and motioned for me to come into the house.

"Bye Aaron. See you tomorrow." I said with a small wave of my hand and Aaron smiled.

I walked inside the house and my mom closed the door.

"Where were you? I was so worried." My mom said as she hugged me.

"We were just at the arcade. Look, Aaron got me this." I said with a smile and held out the small cat.

"Next time call me when you are going to be late. Now get ready for bed." My mom said and I hurried upstairs.
Aaron's pov

After I left Aphmau's house I started to walk home.

It's true that I live very far away from Phoenix High but I like the long walk. I put my hands in my pockets and walked down the street. The night is dark but very beautiful.

My thoughts started to wander when I reached the apartment complex. I opened the doors and saw the desk lady.

"Late again Aaron?" She asked and I nodded.

"Aw, where did you get the stuffed cat?" She asked and I looked down at the black cat and smiled.

"My girlfriend gave it to me." I said and her eyes widened.

"Well that's awesome Aaron!" She said excited and I laughed.

I walked to the elevator and rode it to my floor. I went to my room and unlocked the door. So lonely.....I wish I could just be with Aphmau forever.

The Next Day

I woke up late and decided to skip school because I had a few things to do.

I left my apartment and went to a jeweler.

"Welcome." The woman said and my eyes scanned all the different rings.

"Can I find something for you?" The woman asked and I nodded.

" you have any promise rings?"

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