Phoenix High [19]

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Aphmau's pov

After I woke up I looked around. Oh yeah, I had snuck into Aaron's room and ended up falling asleep. I glanced at the clock and saw it was 9:00 am. I decided to sneak out and at least wait till the afternoon before I come back. I've decided, I am not going to give Aaron up so easily.

I stood up and looked at Aaron's face.

"Don't worry, I'll be back." I whispered as I kissed his forehead. I smiled and opened the window. I crawled onto the tree and carefully made my way down.

I have been skipping school to be with Aaron but I am probably going to be in big trouble. I hope it doesn't affect anything important.

I texted my mom and told her I was on my way to school and she didn't need to worry. I had lied. I had to stay with Aaron. I have no idea when his mom will be back. I decided to go to the Manga store and get Aaron a present.

I was browsing through the Manga thinking. Should I get Aaron Attack on Titan or Fairy Tail Manga? I though.

I decided to get both. I grabbed two volumes of Fairy Tail and Attack on Titan. Honestly, I cannot believe how much Aaron looks like Grey. At least he doesn't have the undressing habit.

I laughed to myself and bought the Manga. It was still early but I should probably head back to the hospital.

As I was walking through the halls I saw Aaron's mom. I frowned and stood up strait clenching the bag in my fists.

"Ma'am. May I speak to you?" I asked formally.

Aaron's mom looked over to me and smiled. She nodded and we went to a cafe nearby.

"What do you need dear?" She asked as she rested her elbows on the table.

"I have made up my mind. I am not giving up on Aaron. You may be his mom but I am his girlfriend. It seems I give him more love than you." I said confidently.

I was surprised my voice wasn't shaking. I was so scared to say all this but...I don't- or, I will NOT lose Aaron.

"Now listen Aphmau was it? I am Aaron's mother and I am the one who raised him this far. Some child like you could never love Aaron more than I do. I know everything about him. What about you? What do you know about Aaron?" Aaron's mom said angrily. Her beautiful eyes turned dark and I crossed my arms.

"I was Aaron's first kiss. I AM Aaron's first girlfriend. He was born in Falcon Claw and you have been trying to get him to marry a girl named Lilith. Aaron hates the family company and never wants to return to Falcon Claw." I said and Aaron's mom slammed her hands on the table and stood up.

"No child decides what my son is going to do and where to live!" Aaron's mom yelled before storming out of the cafe.

I slumped down in the seat and covered my face with my hands. That was so scary. What is her deal? She is treating Aaron like he isn't even human.

I frowned and looked at my phone. It was almost 12. I should go see Aaron. I grabbed the plastic bag and paid for my coffee. I left the cafe and made my way to the hospital. I was about to go into Aaron's room when someone stopped me.

"Aph! Where have you been?" Zane ran up to me.

"Here." I replied.

"Your mom is worried sick and you haven't been to school. Is Aaron still asleep?" Zane asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I think so. But......Aaron's mom is here." I said while looking down.

"What!? What is she doing here? She lives all the way in Falcon Claw. That is a really long distance." Zane said and I nodded.

"I was just on my way to see Aaron so if you could. Could you tell my mom that I am fine? Please little nugget?" I begged and he frowned.

"I told you not to call me that." Zane growled but I could see a small blush form on his cheeks.

"Aww, little nugget is all embawassed?" I talked in a baby voice and Zane's frown got deeper.

"Fine! I'll cover for you!" Zane said angrily as I hugged him.

"Mmk! Thanks nugget!" I said with a smile before kissing Zane on the cheek. He blushed even more and hurried off.

I could hear talking in Aaron's room. First it was his moms voice was Aaron's.

I dropped the bag in my hand and quickly ran to the door. I threw it open and stared at the boy in front of me.

"A-Aaron?" My voice shook.

Aaron smiled and held out his arms. I jumped towards him and hugged him tightly.

"A-Aphmau! Hurts." Aaron grimaced in pain and I quickly let go.

"Wh-what!? I'm so sorry!" I said panicked.

Aaron laughed and shook his head. "No it's fine. I just broke a few ribs so it hurts." Aaron said and I hugged him more gently.

"I'm sorry Aaron. This was all my fault." I felt tears start rolling down my face and I could tell Aaron's mom felt awkward.

"Aphmau don't worry." Aaron said as he hugged me back.

"But you could've died." I said worried.

"Aphmau remember? I told you I would never leave you." Aaron whispered and I felt something slip onto my ring finger.

"I love you and I promise when we are a bit older we will get married. I want you as my bride." Aaron said and I blushed but was surprised.

I pulled away fro him and looked at my hand. There was a ring on my finger. It was golden but had a diamond in the middle. I was taken by surprise.

"Aaron....this isn't a promise ring.......this is a wedding ring." I said nervously.

"I know." Aaron whispered and then he kissed me.

I swear I heard fireworks go off.

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