Phoenix High [21]

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Aphmau's pov

From that day three years have passed and I am now moving out of my parents house. I found a nice little apartment that was close to the college I was thinking of attending. I put the last picture of Aaron and I in the box and sighed.

Aaron was going to be here today to help me move. Three years ago when I told my mom that I wanted to marry Aaron she was surprisingly........calm but then she had a week of rocking out to Beyoncé with Zianna.

I shuttered at the memory but then there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Come in." I called out and the door opened. Aaron stood in the doorway and I smiled at him.

"Hey. All ready?" Aaron asked and I nodded.

The thing is, Aaron and I are moving into the same apartment and our wedding will be after we finish moving.

"Are you excited Aphmau?" Aaron asked as he wrapped his arms around me and pecked my lips.

"I am really excited. We had to wait so long but now we are finally gonna be officially married." I said with a big smile while moving away from Aaron.

"Come on. I need help moving these boxes." I said.

"Okay. The moving truck is outside so let's get the boxes outside." Aaron said with a smile.

We moved the boxes into the moving truck and got into the truck.

"Ready?" Aaron asked and I smiled brightly.

"Yes! This is so exciting!" I yelled excited and Aaron chuckled.

We drove until we reached the apartments. Aaron helped me move all the boxes into the apartment. Aaron had also moved out of his apartment so we had a lot of stuff to move.

"Do you want to unpack after the wedding or just get the normal everyday things out first?" I asked as I set down the last box.

"Well we need toothbrushes and cloths so let's only unpack a few boxes." Aaron said and I nodded.

We unpacked a few boxes and we decided to order a pizza for dinner.

"Thank you," Aaron said as he took the pizza from the pizza man after paying him.

"I am so excited Aaron! I wish this week would go by faster." I said excited. I couldn't wait until the wedding.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I called out and the door opened.

"Hey Aphmau." Katelyn's voice filled the room. I peeked my head out from the living room and smiled.

"Katelyn!" I said excited and hugged her.

"How was moving? Sorry I couldn't be here to help, Jeffery needed some help with a few things." Katelyn said and I shook my head.

"No, it's fine. Aaron and I were just having pizza. Want some?" I asked and Katelyn smiled.

"Sure. Oh! Wanna watch a movie? I know you guys are busy but I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Katelyn said and I nodded.

"I know. Yeah, let's watch a movie. Aaron just got the TV set up so we should be good." I said and Katelyn pulled Midnight from her bag.

"Yes! Midnight!" I yelled and hugged Katelyn.

"Oh Irene......kill me now!" Aaron yelled from inside the bedroom.

"Nope Aaron! You are watching this with us!" I laughed and pulled him out from the bedroom.

I forced Aaron to sit down and we started to watch midnight.

"Isn't Tedward hot Aphmau?" Katelyn asked and I nodded.

"Yeah! I-I mean, not as good looking as Aaron." I said with a smirk and I could see Aaron's cheeks turn red.

"I wish I was a sprinkle vampire." I said a little disappointed.

"We all do Aphmau. Ugg, well I'll see you guys later. I needed to help Travis with a few things. See ya guys later!" Katelyn hurriedly left and Aaron stood up.

"Aphmau...." Aaeon said really serious.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"I have something to tell you that I've kept a secret from you for forever." Aaron said and looked down.

"What?" I was confused.

"Aphmau...." Aaron walked closer to me with an extremely serious expression.

Aaron got closer to me and I was confused. What was wrong.

"I'm a..........sprinkles vampire!" Aaron yelled and suddenly threw sprinkles on me and bit my neck.

"Gah! You jerk! That scared me! I thought something was actually wrong!" I laughed along with Aaron.

"Well you fell for it and how could I resist after watching Midnight." Aaron chuckled and I shook my head with a sigh.

We cleaned up the pizza and I looked at the time. It was already 11:00 pm. I yawned and stretched.

"Do you want to sleep?" Aaron asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. Is the bed set up?" I asked and Aaron nodded.

"Okay, then I'm gonna turn in for the night. We were gonna get the wedding ready Saturday right?" I asked and Aaron smiled.

"Yeah. I think I'll go to bed too. Night." Aaron said and kissed me before going into the bathroom.

I got changed into pajamas and jumped in bed. Celestia was at Garroth's house while we moved so I'll have to get her tomorrow. I heard the shower stop and Aaron came out of the bathroom in his pajamas.

"Hehe, you look like a little kid in your pajamas." I giggled and Aaron crawled into the bed next to me.

"You want me to turn you into a sprinkles vampire?" Aaron asked and I laughed.

"Nah I'm too awesome to become a vampire. Now sleep." I said as I kissed Aaron on the cheek and stuffed a pillow in his face.

He chuckled before hugging me. I smiled and soon drifted off to sleep.

Don't worry this isn't the end! There will still be a few more chapters before the ending and oh yeah, there will be no update on Friday because I am going to a convention for three days but there will be an update Monday so don't worry. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye my Ender Pearls!

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