Phoenix High [13]

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Aphmau's pov

After Aaron and I finished eating he left. I was a little disappointed that he was gone but tonight was fun. What was his deal though? He was teasing me so much.

I blushed when I remembered that he said we were like newlyweds.

"Aphmau, bed!" My mom yelled from upstairs.

I hurried upstairs, took a quick shower, and went to bed.

The next morning I couldn't even wake up. My head hurt and I was getting way too hot with my blankets on but when I kicked them off I was freezing.

My stomach started to hurt and I rolled over in bed.

"Aphmau, why aren't you up?" My mom asked as she opened the door.

"Mom....I don't feel too good." I said quietly.

My throat burned every time I talked or even breathed. My mom walked up to me and I sat up. She put her forehead to mine and gasped.

"Oh honey, you have a fever. You're pretty warm. I'll call the school and tell them you won't be in." My mom said with a worried face.

Great, I'm sick. I hope I get better for Saturday. It was Wednesday right now so I had three days to get better.

My mom brought in some cold medicine and my face scrunched up in disgust. I have always hated cold medicine, it has such a gross flavor.

"Mom, do I have to?" I asked.

My mom sighed and nodded "Yes Aphmau, you need to get better. Now, take this. I need to hurry to work. Are you sure you're okay by yourself?" My mom asked worried.

I nodded and took the offered spoon. I quickly swallowed the bitter medicine and shuttered.

I needed a glass of water. My mom had quickly left the house so I couldn't ask her. I sighed and got up. Celestia looked at me with her ears down and giant eyes.

I smiled and gently patted Celestia's smooth silky fur on her head. My throat started to get dryer so I needed to hurry. I went downstairs when there was a knock at the door.

I walked over to the door and unlocked it. Before I even had my hand on the door knob I was glomped.

"My poor Aphmau!" Katelyn yelled.

"Katelyn......hurts." I tried to speak but she was cutting off my air.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Katelyn said as she quickly loosened her grip.

"Wait Katelyn, you'll get sick too if you're over here." I said and Katelyn shook her head.

"I don't care! My Aphmau needs me!" Katelyn said and I smiled.

"Do you want some tea?" I asked.

"No, I'll get it. You march upstairs right now and go back to bed. I'll get you anything you need." Katelyn said and I smiled.

She is being so sweet today. My mom probably called Katelyn's parents and told them I was sick.

I went back upstairs and crawled in bed. I hated being sick, it was always uncomfortable BUT you get to be treated like royalty......sometimes.

Katelyn brought up some tea and a glass of water. I thanked her and took a cup. Katelyn played with Celestia until I fell asleep.

Aaron's pov

I sat down in class with a sigh. I was disappointed Aphmau wasn't here today. Did I embarrass her too much? I hope not.

I was waiting for the teacher to show up when a phone chimed. I looked at my phone but I had a different ring tone.

Suddenly Katelyn pulled out her phone and answered it.

"Yeah?" She asked.

There was silence before Katelyn started speaking again. "Really? Okay, I'll go."

Katelyn stood up from her desk and whispered "I hope Aphmau is alright."

Wait....did something happen to Aphmau? No, she is probably fine. Katelyn quickly left and I couldn't pay attention at all.

School ended slowly and I decided to stop by Aphmau's. Maybe she just got sick?

I knocked on the door and heard footsteps hopping down the stairs. The door opened and Katelyn stood in front of me.

"Do you need something?" She asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to see Aphmau." I said.

"She doesn't want to see you right now. She isn't feeling too great and she would be totally devastated if she got you sick." Katelyn said with a little worry in her tone.

"Okay, thank you." I said and left.

I decided to head home and like always, there was a familiar annoying cat.

"Aaron~" Michi said in a singing voice.

I immediately frowned. What is her deal? She is acting like a stalker.

"Go away." I growled and Michi smiled.

"'K, bye bye Aaron~" Michi said as she quickly kissed my cheek and hurried into the elevator right when it closed.

I felt anger fume inside me and I slammed my apartment door behind me. I took a deep breath before punching a hole in my wall.

I was panting and I sunk to my knees and grabbed my hair.

"Calm.....down." I whispered to myself.

Normally people don't get on my nerves but Michi and that werewolf kid who I throw out the window constantly do.

I slowly stood up and looked at the hole in the wall. The landlord will be so mad with me. I looked around and went over to my closet. I had an Attack on Titan poster of all the characters so I decided to cover the hole with that.

I need to find a way to give this to Aphmau, we had a date one Saturday. A smile formed on my face and my anger disappeared. Aphmau is the only one who could ever make me calm.

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