Douazecisiunu || Secrets

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Things at work weren't going well, to say the least. The thought of accomplishing anything on top of her regular duties was laughable. Pure comedy.

So far, Mila managed to miss notes during important meetings, order Mr. Han's lunch wrong, twice, and incorrectly pronounce a client's name during a call transfer. Not that she was counting.

Mr. Han was becoming curt with her, and Evie stepped in more than once—including to help schedule a last-minute business trip for him in Japan. If he didn't get his personalized silk sheets delivered, and room facing a specific part of the city, he wouldn't be happy. Mila was paranoid she would be canned any moment.

Who would have thought an executive assistant's role would be more difficult than her job as a marketing manager?

It was one of her more stressful weeks, and Alec's sour mood at home hadn't helped. He'd been isolated and even more secretive than usual, which spoke volumes. He was constantly on the phone, and conversing with Olga and Raul late into the night. She didn't bother asking what was going on.

"Why don't you have lunch with us?" Bonnie said. "We finally have sunshine." It was the end of the week, and she could see Evie waiting for them in the corner.

"Thanks." she said, focusing on her work. "But I have to get these notes right."

"Mila, come have lunch with us. Bring a coat." Bonnie wasn't taking no for an answer.

It was nice to get a break from her desk for some fresh air. The outdoors always had a calming effect on her. The building rooftop had a beautiful garden with a variety of flowers, greenery, and real grass. The clencher was the spectacular view of the Seattle city skyline. There were even picnic tables with large umbrellas to protect them from rain. It was lovely, but she couldn't quite take it in.

She remembered the first time she'd seen the blue waters surrounding the city and the happiness it made her feel. How she'd felt part of its bustling movement. Now, it was like her emotions had hit a wall. Not quite landing.

Bonnie and Evie preordered from the chef, and Mila dove into her packed lunch. They had colorful bibimbap bowls with an egg placed on top and tasty-looking kimchi on the side. It was Evan's favorite. He loved Korean food, and used to take her all the time. 

"Tough week, eh?" Evie asked.

"It hasn't been great." she picked over her meat and greens.

"Well the learning curve is steep, and Mr. Han's particular." Evie said. "I'm so grateful to be back in my normal position."

"By the way," said Bonnie. "This is the circle of trust. Whatever we discuss here is not repeated to anyone."

"Got it." Mila replied. She would never want to be on the bad side of these two women. They were nice, but she could definitely see them having teeth.

"We just wanted to see how you're feeling, and to let you know we're here to help if you have any questions." Evie said.

"That's so nice of you. You've already helped me loads, but I may take you up on that offer sooner than you think."

"So," Bonnie said. "Evie here just got married. Tell us about this fiancé of yours. How long have you been together? Is he tall, dark and handsome? When are you getting married?"

Luckily, Mila was prepared for the barrage of questions. When Bonnie cornered her before, it gave her time to think of what she would say.

"His name is Alec, and he works for a company in South Lake Union. We met in the summer and he proposed pretty quickly. It was all like a dream."

Liar, she thought. Liar. Liar. Liar.

"That is quick." Bonnie said, counting the months on her hand. "He was smart to snap you up. You're a baddie for sure. So, when's the wedding?"

"Thanks. We haven't picked a date yet. His parents live abroad, so it's a whole thing."

"Mm, I know how that is," said Evie. "We got married at the courts before we left Perth so we could move here together. My parents were upset about it, but we had to do it quickly in order to relocate for my husband's job. Still haven't had that wedding yet."

It seemed to give Evie a touch of joy. Mila took a moment to appreciate the two women. They were fabulous. Very much themselves. Everything she wasn't.

"What about you Bonnie?" she asked. "Are you in a relationship or seeing anyone?"

"Not recently." Bonnie replied, "I'm a workaholic and don't have a lot of time for dating. My dog is my boyfriend, he's an adorable mini-shiatsu."

She pulled out her wallet and showed a picture.

If a human being could have actual hearts for eyes, it was Bonnie talking about her dog. It disarmed her, and thoughts of Henderson came to mind.

How was he? Was he was getting enough food? Alec never gave him treats. Did he even know how much water he needed?

By the time she'd come to, they were both staring at her.

"Sorry," she said. "I was somewhere else."

"Well, you need to snap out of it and get your head in the game." Evie said. "You're Mr. Han's third assistant, and we all want you to last."


"Third." Evie confirmed.

Great, so her fear of getting fired was not unfounded.

"Tell me more about your husband, Evie." Mila was eager to make them forget about her momentary checkout.

"I love that man...she said adoringly. Like I mentioned, we're from Perth, Australia, and we moved because he got a great job at a company here. He works nearby, actually."

"Sometimes Evie leaves me by myself in order to have lunch with him." Bonnie said.

"You're one to talk!" Evie retorted. "Leaving me for weeks on end to travel the world with your uncle."

"True." Bonnie said. "But I always make it to Pilates when I get back, no matter how jet-lagged I am. We go on Thursday nights. You're welcome to come Mila, you could probably keep up."

"I'll think about it." she said, knowing full-well it wouldn't be allowed. She was starting to feel jealous of how free their lives were. They wore whatever they wanted, ate whatever they wanted, and got to choose their partners. Choices that had all been taken away from her. She had once been like these women. Well, maybe not these women, but she had her own life.

"Every now and then my brother Daniel joins us for lunch, but he's nowhere to be found today." Bonnie said. The mention of Daniel brought to mind a question that had nagged her.

"Bonnie, if you travel so closely with Mr. Han, how come you aren't on his approved visitor's list?"

Bonnie sucked in air, and Mila could tell it was a touchy issue. By the time she noticed Evie motioning for her to nix the question, it was too late.

"Family stuff." Bonnie muttered bitterly.

That was the end of that topic of conversation.

They finished lunch, and Mila told them to go ahead without her so she could have a moment alone. In truth, she wanted to check on something.

For a better view, she moved closer to the edge of the rooftop. As she touched the cool railing, she thought maybe standing would help. However, as she looked at the waves of the Sound, and the sun shining above, objectively, she could tell it was beautiful, breathtaking even. But its beauty evoked no emotion within her. Nothing.

Holy shit.

She felt nothing.


It's been a looong week here in the U.S.

Don't forget to vote ;-P

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