Douazecisicinci || Gift

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"I didn't mean to startle you."

Mila jumped at Daniel's sudden presence in the mailroom. She was focused, and hadn't seen him enter.

"Not your fault." she replied. "I startle easily." Her hand was still clutching her chest.

"I know you're busy right now, but I just wanted to give you this." He held out a pink cardboard box, with a string tied around it.

She gave him a questionable look as she opened it. Inside were several pastries, neatly displayed.

"You brought me breakfast?" It was so unexpected, she wasn't sure how to react. Of course, her first instinct was rejection.

"Thank you, but I shouldn't." she declined as graciously as she could, handing him the box and continuing her project without a second glance.

"Please." he said, pushing it toward her again. "I noticed how much you love hazelnut and wanted to thank you for helping me."

"Really, it was nothing." she said. It was kind of him, the fact he'd thought of her.

He straightened his posture and took in a deep breathe. "To be honest, it was the one I've turned in with the least number of corrections."

His humility won her over, and she accepted the gift.

Since they'd sorted their boundary issues, they'd gotten into a decent groove around each other. Once her time was up in the nook, they seamlessly swapped places. Their agreement like a shared secret. She'd become fond of their 'silent dance.' It was like having a friend she never had to talk to.

They made eye contact, and sometimes even faces at each other whenever Josh, the third earliest person in the office, shuffled in too loudly. Or the slight tilt of the head they gave when acknowledging each other. She knew him while knowing nothing about him at the same time.

Daniel was an introvert. He liked quiet spaces and people, so he had time to think to himself. There was a stillness and peaceful way about him she envied.

She also liked quiet spaces, and time away from people. However, unlike Daniel, her need was grounded in desperation to save her identity. She'd changed. Whenever she ate lunch with Evie, she mostly listened silently, wondering off every now and then. Long gone we're the days of the the outgoing, over-involved person she used to be. Inserting herself into situations when someone was in need, or giving input without asking. That person had died a long time ago.

Daniel looked at her eagerly, waiting as she took a bite.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"This is so good." she said, meaning every word. It was warm and savory, with the perfect amount of sweetness. "Where did you get this?"

"I made it." He smiled.

"You can bake? Like this?" It was such an unassuming thing about him, but explained why he was always eating the way he did.

He chuckled, and grinned at her response.

"Daniel Lee, you could have your own shop!"

"I'm glad you like it." he said, beaming. "I wondered if you might be a health nut, but I wanted to add some spice to your life."

"You think I need spice?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh yes." he said, lowering his voice. "All the spices."

She took another bite to fill the empty pause, and distract from the involuntary blush coming over her cheeks.

Get it together, girl.

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