Treizecisiunu || Judas

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The trip to the institute had shaken Mila badly. She'd had a nightmare about the doctor, and the way his teeth grazed his bottom lip when looking at patients.

Today is the day, she thought to herself. Alec was reading his tablet, eating his overnight oats in the proper way he always did. Unaware of what she was about to do.

In case she failed, she didn't say anything. It was better to keep it to herself, than get his hopes up and end up disappointing him. In school she'd always been a good student, and she applied the same mindset as she would a final exam. She'd studied, waited, and now it was time to utilize everything she'd learned.

She came into the office late, in hopes of avoiding Daniel. It worked, and by the time she got in, the floor was bustling with excitement more than usual. Desks were tidier, employees showed up earlier, and everyone looked busy in anticipation of Mr. Han's arrival.

According to the maintenance record log for the last two years, Mr. Han's computer was always checked by IT when he returned from a major trip. It was her best shot.

"Mila!" said Bonnie. "Where have you been all my life!" Bonnie had come back from Japan with an abundance of energy. Somehow, her skin glowed eve more than usual, and she was wearing new rose gold-colored earrings in the shape of Japanese characters.

It was crazy to think that the formidable Bonnie Lee had ever dealt with abuse.

"The trip went well, I'm guessing?" Mila asked.

"Better than I could have imagined. I think my uncle and I finally found some common ground."

Mila wondered what that meant exactly, but with her delayed start, she didn't have time to focus on office pleasantries. She had to get Mr. Han back into the swing of things.

"I love your hair!" Bonnie continued. Turning her around to get a better look. It was half up/half down, in a different way than she normally wore it. Her new clip was holding it together in the back.

Over the weekend, she'd taken the USB out of the gaudy (and frankly, stupid) keychain disguise and fashioned it into a hair clip. It was a much better way to sneak it in, and she'd decorated it so it looked like an ornament. If security scanned her head, they would either think it was simply a metal hairpiece, or part of her headplate that normally went off.

They were veterans of the Iraq War and had friends with similar injuries. Since then, they avoided scanning it when others were around, out of courtesy to her. She hated taking advantage of their kindness, but she did what she had to.

"Maybe I need to go to Tokyo with you next time." she said.

Bonnie grinned. She got in her earshot and said a little too quietly. "Let's meet up for lunch, ok?"

She didn't appreciate the concerned look Bonnie gave her, and she slumped slightly in her chair just as Mr. Han walked by.

"Unhappy to see me?" he said.

"Not at all." she perked up.

He didn't miss a beat. "I need to see a list of the important meetings I've missed, along with any high priority calls. Oh, and for lunch. --"

"You want your usual. It'll be here at noon." She got up and followed him into his office. "As for the lists, check your email." she said. "I sent you an update with everything you need to know."

He clicked a couple times and winked at her. She missed their dynamic.

Before she could ask him if he needed anything, the IT team lead was behind her.

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