Douazecisiopt || Fortress

882 68 13

It was the first weekend Salvadore didn't need Mila in the studio, so they used the opportunity to get out of town. They were hitting the slopes. A weekend of skiing, rest and relaxation was in order.

As they left the city, he watched his rearview mirror to make sure no one was following. Nothing was out of the ordinary, and the further away they got, the better he felt.

The secluded nature of the mountains made him feel insulated from exterior threats, and soon they were out of the city and through the snowy pass--the rain beating down on them turning into snow. Whenever it began pouring in the city, it was exciting for people who spent their time on the mountain. It meant by the time they arrived it would be a winter wonderland.

They'd both been preoccupied by the happenings in their lives. Mila looked gaunt when she'd come from work at the end of the week, and he was worried it was all becoming too much for her. He hoped a quiet weekend together helped them both feel more grounded.

After a good nights' rest, they headed to the shop, where he purchased brand new gear and equipment for her. He spent more than he should have, but he wanted to make sure she had the best. He'd arranged for Mila to have lessons with a female instructor, so he could hit the tougher runs on his own.

As he glided through each path, he felt his head clear more and more. The adrenaline rush and sunshine working well together.

By the time he came back, Mila had fallen a few times, but was doing well. Her movements were smooth and posture secure, as she went down the hill gracefully. When she made it to the bottom, her instructor raised her arms in victory.

"You sure she's never had lessons before?" the rosy-cheeked, instructor asked.

He just shrugged, grinning ear-to-ear.

He was having an even better time than he thought.

Later, after steaming in the jacuzzi and sweating in the sauna, they were in their long johns next to a crackling fire. They were lounging on their suite's cushy couch, indulging in complementary s'mores and champagne from the lodge. He'd placed her legs over his body and was gently, but firmly rubbing her calves.

She didn't need a professional massage when she had him.

"That feels amazing." she said. "Thank you, my muscles are on fire."

"Well, get ready." he said, "It's going to feel worse in the morning. I put two ibuprofens on your nightstand next to your charger. Don't forget to plug your watch in before bed. Olga isn't here to remind us of everything."

"Hmm." Mila half-smirked. The fact she didn't like Olga wasn't news for him.

"You know, it's weird." she said. "I've never done this before, but it felt familiar. Almost natural."

His ears perked up. Maybe she was remembering something.

"You've been talking in your sleep." he said.

"What was I saying?"

"You were talking about cabbage, in French."

"I've been told before that I do that." She had a confused look on her face, as she searched her head for an inaccessible memory." But I never remember what the dream is about."

"I'm sure you will one day." he said.

She pressed her hand on his to stop him. She wanted his attention.

"Why don't you help me?"

What was he supposed to say? That he was scared?

He didn't answer. Not that she expected him to.

After their last day of skiing, they decided to get out for some dinner, only to find the back of restaurant jumping with activity. The crowd was wild, letting loose to a very animated DJ. People were incredibly intoxicated, dancing on tables and singing loudly to music.

"What do you think?" he asked her. She'd give him points for asking.

"Let's stay," she said. "Might as well have some fun."

The mini vacation had put them in a good mood, and to him, it felt like old times. They were having such a good time on the mountain, he wondered why they should ever leave. Here, they had a fortress. They were surrounded by mountains and small roads. He could see an enemy coming from miles away. Olga and Raul were watching the house.

What more could they need?

"Two Martini Rossos," he said to the bartender, handing him his black card. The bartender's eyes lit up, assuring they would be treated with extra care among the craziness.

He was enjoying watching Mila sway to the rhythm of the music, when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A tall man looking at them oddly. He was a little younger than him, but a few inches taller. The man's size wasn't concerning because he could easily take him with the knife in his pocket. He wanted to know what his deal was.

"Your drinks," the bartender said.

"Thanks." he replied, irritated he had to take his eyes off his target. He tipped the bartender a twenty and whipped around as quickly as possible to see if the guy was still looking. He felt like he was losing it when he found the guy not paying attention to them at all. Instead, a group of people had joined him, and he was now mindlessly browsing his phone.

Stop being stupid. He said to himself.

"I love this song," Mila quickly finished her drink, and tried to pull him out to the dance floor.

"You're only doing this because you think I won't go." he said.

She was challenging him.

"But you have no idea. I've got rhythm." he said, slamming his drink to catch up to her pace. "I am, however, going to need another so it can come out."

"Well don't be gone too long." she pretended to reel him in while going further into the crowd.

"Nerd." he laughed at her. She was being very flirty with him. He figured if he kept her in a good mood, she might want to make out--or even better. Her guard was down, and he had to take advantage.

He ordered two more Martinis and casually looked for the guy again. The friends were still there, however, the big guy was nowhere to be found.

By the time he turned around, neither was Mila.


Alright guys, thank you for your votes, comments, and support on my chapters! My next update probably won't be for two weeks, as I need to spend some time on it. The sooner I get to 30 votes, the sooner I'll update, but I can't promise only a week between updates this time.


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