Douazecisisase || Prey

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Dear readers,

It's been a minute since I've posted—my bad. Dealing with some serious life moves. Anyways, enjoy this short update, and please remember to vote. If I can get 30 votes on this chapter, I'll post another by Tuesday, March 9. Come out, come out, wherever you are silent readers!

With the end of this chapter comes the end of the second act of this book, and the beginning of the third and final act. I hope you've been paying attention.

- Shar


"The Psychic staring affect is a phenomenon where humans detect being stared at by extrasensory means....A direct gaze can signal dominance or a threat, and if something is a perceived threat, it should not be missed."

It wouldn't leave him—The feeling of being watched. As he browsed the web, his mind reeled.

This was the last thing he needed.

The security team he paid on retainer swept the vehicles and properties thrice over, but hadn't found anything. Raul was looking into the boat and storage units himself, as they weren't something anyone needed to know about.

His mother always told him he had excellent intuition. He would have quieted the persistant voice telling him something was wrong if it weren't for her. It was one of the few valuable lessons she'd taught him, so he waited and watched because there was nothing else he could do.

Who could it be and why? There were so many options and too many enemies.

Being prey wasn't nearly as fun as being predator.

Online, he searched things like: "Symptoms of paranoia." and "Am I paranoid?"

There had always been the concern he was genetically predisposed, and he wondered if this was the beginning of symptoms. He thought he'd dodged the bullet after his twenties, as this is when these things typically start showing signs.

Had he hit a breaking point?

In an effort to get him to relax, Olga, made him an extra-large batch of her special ginger and lemon tea, which he was drinking while watching television when Mila got home. He needed to step away from the internet and watch something mind-numbing. Luckily, American television provided a plethora of options, and he'd chosen some cartoon about a mad, inter-dimensional scientist.

"You wanted to see me?" she said a little off-kilter. He never watched television during daytime. She must know something's wrong.

"Come here." he said, motioning to her.

Exerting self-control was difficult, especially when his favorite way to de-stress was in front of him this way. The way her dress hit her body was spectacular, and he wished he could take it off and see the rest. She sat down, and he placed her head in his lap to watch with him. Like always, she was stiff as a board, until he massaged the pressure point on the back of her neck.

"I actually love this show." she said, getting more comfortable and laughing when the scientist's therapist ripped into him.

"How was your day?" he asked. He focused on the rhythm of his hands and the television. He was trying to seem like his usual calm, collected self.

"It was...good," she replied, looking up at him. The corners of her mouth turned up, but she caught herself before it became too wide.

She was in a good mood. What was that about? he wondered.

His fingers moved from her neck to her hair. It was easier massaging her scalp now than when her hair was curly. There were things about it he missed. Like, how she looked beautiful and wild when she woke up in the morning. Like a goddess he plucked right from the Amazon.

"Report." he said. "Tell me everything that happened."

"Mr. Han is still out of the office." she said. "So there isn't much."

His left eye twitched, and he could feel the start of deeper emotions surfacing. So much for relaxing. "Do you at least have his itinerary so I can know who he's meeting?"

"Yes." she said. "I wrote it down for you. It's in my bag. Mostly major distributers in Japan."

It wasn't enough.

He wanted more and was becoming frustrated, but he had to control himself.

He wanted to motivate her the best way he knew how, but had to treat her with kid gloves since he promised Olga and Raul he'd do things differently. Besides, Mila was more comfortable with him now, and he didn't want to ruin the small peace they'd built. Slowly, but surely, she was letting him in. Their was a lightness to her now when she was in the house. She didn't protest sleeping in the same bed with him, and stopped flinching whenever he touched her. Sometimes, they even laughed when they played games together. Almost like they were real partners.

"What else are you doing?" he asked, taking a break from her hair to smooth back his own. He did it to disguise his hands, which were now shaking.

"Getting to know my coworkers. I've been going to lunch with some of them and--" she hesitated.

"What?" he asked attentively.

"There's a weird dynamic going on between Mr. Han and his niece and nephew."

This, he found interesting. He moved to massaging her shoulder.

"How so?" he asked.

She proceeded to tell him about what she'd witnessed, but by the end of her story, he'd tuned it out. It was of no importance.

"You have a job to do." he said, clenching his other fist. "I'm unsatisfied with your results."

"I live every second of my day with your satisfaction in mind." she said without hesitation or vocal inflection.

He couldn't tell if she was being earnest or defiant. With her, the two so often intermingled.

"How many weeks has it been Mila?" He had her in a completely submissive position, of which there was little way for her to wiggle free. "This is all you have for me?"

Olga was in the room quickly. She must have thought he was going to lose his temper. It didn't take her long. Lately, Olga and Raul were careful one of them was always around. Since they'd had the conversation about the money, the dynamic was different. As if overnight he'd become incapable of completing his work without their supervision. He was being stage managed by them, and didn't appreciate it.

He leaned in closer to Mila, ignoring Olga.

"It seems your taste of freedom has made you forget Mila. There are lives at stake. Is this a game to you?"

"No." she said, more softly than before. "You told me to be discreet, and I am doing as you asked. I want everyone to continue staying safe."

He stopped the massage, letting her free. She sat up, and took a deep breath. He could tell by the look on her face his message was received. He looked away, using the remote to change to another episode.

"You want everyone safe?" he said. "Prove it."

"I think I may have found a way to access Han's laptop." she said.


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