Shifters of the sun

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I awoke with a terrible headache. It reminded me of this time in second grade when I had walked straight into a fence. Stupid, clumsy Bella. My head literally felt like it was splitting open.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes, groaning as I caught sight of my new tattoos. I was hoping in a way it was all some messed up dream, that I would wake up and see Edwards smiling face and my life could continue on normally.
Yea, so not gonna happen.

I heard my dad downstairs in the kitchen noisily banging around, probably attempting to cook, and decided to confront him on all of this.
He knew and he didn't tell me!
Hell I don't even think the la push shifters knew about him! Or the Cullen's!
I wonder if he knew about them?..
I rolled out of bed, still in my PJs and trudged down the stairs.

I stood at the doorway and leant against the doorframe. I coughed, getting Charlie's attention.
He looked at me before his eyes moved to my clearly visible tattoos and widened.

"You have so much explaing to do" I said in a deadly calm voice that showed how mad I was.

He gulped and began talking. "First, congrats on shifting. You are part of a very, very, old and powerful pack. The Sun Shifters. Sit down and I'll explain it all" he said, handing me a plate of almost edible looking food. I sat down and prodded it a bit as he continued talking.
"Our legends say that hundreds of years ago, a single drop of the sun fell down to early and into a small pond. This pond, was the pond, a small tribe of shifters often visited. As they spent time in the pond, they absorbed the Suns power, becoming the first Sun shifters. Being a sun shifter allows us to shift into any animal we wish, and control the element of fire. Very rarely, a shifter can shift into the form of a Phoenix. They are immortal and have the ability to heal with their tears. But there's not been a Phoenix shifter in over three hundred years.
Since the first shifters, the gene has been passed down from one generation to the other. As for why you have the quilette tattoo, your mother was half quilette, so your a quillete too"

Wow. I wasn't expecting that but at least he knew about the la push shifters.

"What's your form by the way?" Charlie asked.

"My what?" I asked.

"What animal did you shift into? That's called your form. Its your true animal." Charlie explained.

"Oh, a white Jaguar, you?" I asked

"A hawk" he replied.

Cool, I decided to go out and try shifting so I quickly got dressed, into a black crop top with 'normal is boring' printed on, some ripped skinny jeans and some suitable boots for the forest. I also slipped a bunch of rings onto various fingers before rushing g out my room.

 On my way out the front door I grabbed an apple before I called a goodbye to my dad and ran out into the Forrest

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On my way out the front door I grabbed an apple before I called a goodbye to my dad and ran out into the Forrest. I walked for a few minuets until I found a small clearing I deemed suitable. I tried shifting into my 'form' as it was apparently callers and after trying for a few minutes, found myself in the body of a Jaguar.
I then realised I didn't have the faintest clue on how to change into another form and I couldn't hear any of the pack in my mind so I guessed they were all asleep or stuffing their faces with food. Greedy pigs.

Do I just think of the animal or what? Erm.. Horse? Might as well try.
I pictured a white horse in my mind and felt a tingling sensation cover my body. It wasn't unpleasant but would take a bit of getting used to.
I opened my eyes and cried out in shock.
Actually, in was more of a neigh, that's a weird thing to be able to do.
Now watch me whip, now watch me neigh neigh. Hmm...

I was now a massive white horse and that is something not many people will be able to say they've been. A horse.
I experiment moving my legs and a hour later I was running around like a pro. I began shifting into many different forms including a bird, elk, lion and a wolf. By the end I was exhausted and realised I had come quite far out into the forest.
I wanted to try shifting once more, to see if what my father had said was right.
I pictured a Phoenix in my mind, each small detail and feather in perfect alignment.
I once again, to my shock, felt the now familiar tingling sensation cover my body. My eye flew open, and to my shock, I was a Phoenix.

I flew home in my Phoenix form and decided to freak my father out. I flew up to the front door before pressing the doorbell with my beak. I flew down to the step and waited for the door to be opened.
When Charlie did open it, I jumped up and flew inside, much to his surprise.

"Bella?" He asked.

I phased back in mid air and landed on the ground in a crouch. I stood up and smirked.

"I always knew I was awesome, but this, this proves it"

Bella The Shifter - Shifter Of The SunМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя