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Some secrets are better kept that way, a secret.

As they all began charging towards me my inner animal took over me. I slipped Esme gently onto the floor, placing her severed arm next to her and stood protectively over her, a low growl emitting from my chest. It wasn't very loud but it got a clear message across.
Stay away.
All the Cullen's froze as they looked at me with wide, curious eyes. I was desperately trying to get control back over my body and after a bit of fighting inside myself, I did it.
I was back in control.
I stepped backwards, away from Esme trying to show I wasn't a threat. Apparently they didn't he the message.
I was instantly pinned to the ground by two murderous looking vampires. Emmet and Jasper.
Damn them.
I wiggled and thrashed about, frantically trying to free myself but to no prevail. It was a futile effort so after a while I gave up and excepted my fait.
I was going to die to the hands of my brothers. Great. Just great. My ultimate demise to my brothers. How heroic that'll sound.
I began whining and yapping and growling. Nothing was working.

I could see Carlisle comforting Esme who was looking at me with panicked eyes while trying to say something. Alice and Rosalie were looking at me with different emotions, one wonder, the other disgust. I'll let you guess who's was who's. My growls and whines were getting louder each massing moment but I instantly fell quiet to hear what Esme was saying as she began to stutter. I could tell everyone else was also doing the same.

"D-dont hurt h-him. H-he saved me" she croacked out, shocking everyone.

Emmet and Jasper slowly released my but kept a wary glance on me at all times. I slowly stood up and took one small step towards Esme.
Wrong move.
Instantly Carlisle had whisked Esme over to the porch of their house and Jasper, Emmet, Alice and Rosalie were all crouched protectively in front of them. Wow.

I could see this wasn't getting any wear so decided to go about this differently. Shifting into my Phoenix form, I began my graceful flight towards them.
They all gasped as they took in my new appearance. Well, if they weren't confused before they defiantly are now.
I landed of Carlisle's shoulder as he was still crouched over Esme. He looked at me in wonder and I could feel myself blushing under my feathers. I looked down nervously and tried to cover myself with my wings.

I heard a laugh and realised it was Jasper. The mysterious Cullen who her spoke. "You've made him embarrassed Carlisle" he said smirking.

I couldn't help but feel irritated. Why did they always have to assume shifters were men? Leah's a female shifter, and so am I.

"Oops, now he's annoyed" Jasper said.

I let out a loud cry on irritation, I AM NOT A MAN.

"What is it Mr?" Emmet asked stupidly.

I pointed at Esme with my wing, then myself, Rosalie, then myself, Alice, then myself. Gosh I hope they can figure this one out.

"Alice, Esme, Rosalie and you? What do you have in common?" Carlisle asked.

"YOU BETTER NO HAVE A CRUSH ON MY ROSE" Emmet yelled, making me roll my eyes.

"No, that's apparently not it" Alice said.

I sighed, as best as I could in my bird form, and hopped onto Esme's shoulder which was slowly starting to reattach itself. I began crying, making my tears fall into her wound. I got very good at making myself cry after all this time practising and now was a pro.
Esme's sharp intake of breath caused Carlisle to growl warily at me due to his mating instincts, even though he knew I meant no harm to Esme.

"Well what do Esme, Rose and Alice all have in common?" Jasper asked as I sat on Esme's shoulder.

"They have an 'e' in there name?" Emmet asked.
No. I cocked my head to the side showing that wasn't it.

"Well you're not a vampire...erm" Jasper trailed off. 

"You're a girl!" Emmet exclaimed after a second, startling me.

Yes they got it! I let out a sound cry of joy before flying up and doing a series of flips and spins.

"I think that's it" Carlisle chuckled. "By any chance, you wouldn't happen to be a asun shifter would you?" Carlisle asked. I was shocked he knew about us for a moment but then realised he was Carlisle and he did a lot if research.

I nodded my head as his eyes widened. "Fascinating" he whispered so quietly I almost didn't catch it.

"Well, would you like to shift back and come in?" Esme asked. "Its the least we could do."

I did want to go in but I couldn't shift back. I didn't want to so suddenly enter their lives. I was debating it so heavily I didn't notice the packs arrival until Rosalie began growing bloody murder once more.
My head snapped up as I saw Sam in wolf for with Jacob in human for step through the tree line. I let out a little cry before flying over and landing on Jacobs shoulder.

" I'm so glad you're okay Beth!" He exclaimed, changing my name due to the glare I gave him. I didn't need him ruining my cover.

"Yea yea" he said as I pecked him hard.

"What the hell happened!" A pissed of Emmet snarled.

"We... irritated Collin, the newest member of the pack. Today is a sensitive day for him and we forgot" Sam explained.

"You broke the treaty" Rosalie snarled.

"Erm, yes I guess we did..." Sam gulped.

Alice, Emmet and Jasper all growled at the realization. They crouched down ready to pounce and kill. Oh great.

I met Alice's eyes, silently begging her to stop. I looked her dead in the eye. My brown to her gold. She looked at me, wide eyed before standing up out of her crouch, drawing everyone's attention to her.
"I can't hurt them. She reminds me of Bella" she whimpered before Jasper pulled her to his chest, running her back as she sobbed.
"I will stand with Alice" Jasper spoke lowly.

"I'm with my twin I guess" Rosalie said reluctantly as her and Emmet stood up also. "You owe us big time" Emmet growled.
"Now go before we change our minds" Rosalie hissed.

I watched sadly as Sam and Jacob led me away into the woods back towards the reservation. I missed the Cullen's and that was what made me determined to follow through with the plan forming in my mind.
I would go there every night, always in my jaguar form and I wouldn't shift back. I would see if the still cared about Bella Swan and then, and only then would I shift back.

Bella The Shifter - Shifter Of The SunOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant