My Actual Imprint?

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Within a second I found myself sat in a pair of strong,  cold arms in the far corner of the room.  Fireworks and tingles exploded over my skin,  everywhere we touched,  I was confused and panicked by the sudden turn of events.

"Jasper,  let me go! " I cried,  becoming  restless as his arms caged me,  like I was a wild animal.  I didn't like the feeling,  not one bit.

I continued to struggle in his arms,  small whimpers slipping through my lips as my panic rose to a new level. The whole time Jasper seemed unaware of my uncomfortable emotions,  despite being a supposed empath. He buried his head into the crook of my neck,  inhaling deeply.
Was he going to bite me?  Kill me?  Why weren't Peter or Charlotte doing anything?

" Get off!  Get off! Get off! " I yelled,  finally managing to free myself of Jaspers arms as I scrambled away desperately,  dragging myself with my arms as much as I could.

" Bella... " He exhaled, sounding exasperated, "Just listen." 

"Listen?  LISTEN?  You have you have just barged into my house,  breaking my door,  which you are replacing by the way,  and then grabbed onto me.  Without a single explanation. "

"Look at me" he demanded before appearing crouched down in front of me. Reaching for my face,  he firmly pulled my chin so that our eyes connected. 

At that moment my whole world slipped into place,  before slipping right past and being destroyed again.

I imprinted on Jasper, but I was done with this whole Imprint thing. It had hurt me once,  I won't let it do the same again.  No way.  No,  no,  no,  no.

"Nuh uh. No. Nope. No way on earth.  So not happening,  just,  no." I ranted under my breath, turning my back to them all.  I Could not believe this,  I had 'imprinted'  on Jasper,  or was it just another lie? Huh?  I didn't know and I didn't care to find out.

"Just go,  I'm not interested " I said quietly,  knowing they would all hear, hoping they would all listen. 

I heard a sharp inhale​ of breath before many things seemed to happen at once,  I couldn't say what because it all happened to fast but by the time I had spun around,  eyes wide and arms raised, I was alone.  Once more.  The only sign showing they were ever here was the absence of the front door.

I sat on the floor,  my back slumped against the wall as tears slowly began to leak from my eyes and run down my face like a river. I cried until all my sorry was gone and was replaced by a numb feeling of nothingness.  I began feeling caged again,  only this time I wasn't caged by anything other than my own body and mind.  I wanted to be free,  to break away from this seemingly never ending nightmare of ties and responsibilities. As I thought more,  a new emotion began to replace my previous numbness.  Anger.  I was seething, how dare that any of them just appear unannounced and act like they own this place, because they don't!  

Heat began to surge through my body,  it began at my heart and seemed to quickly flow through my veins,  into every cell and organ in my body,  changing me,  shaping me.  Shifting me.  I gasped in sudden realisation as I felt my sight leave momentarily as my bones snapped and popped into place,  my skin inched as something began growing out of it,  my fingers seemed to tie together and my face reconstructed it's self intirely.  I was shifting at last, but into what,  I was unsure. 

With one final wave of heat I found myself fully shifted in my living room.    I rapidly blinked the black dots away,  desperate to clear my vision name determine my form. After a minute, I had regained my sight and was more coordinated.  I tried looking back at myself and was mildly surprised by my form.  For some reason,  after all this time my conscience had decided to take fate into its own hands and do this? 

"Often it's the deepest pain which empowers you to grow into your highest self" I found myself mumbling the familiar quote. "Deepest pain"  I snorted humourously.  "Sure got that right"

I stretched in my new form and felt an odd sensation,  freezing where I was I looked back to see my wings fully stretched out,  ready to fly.  My eyes widened and a squark left my...  Beak?  Yea,  beak.  As I slowly moved my wings,  up,  down,  up,  down. 

The question I was dying to answer shoved it's way to the front of my mind and without a second thought I furiously flapped my wings,  catapulting myself into the air of my living room.  After a moment,  I was in control of my movements and could begin to fathom what had happened.  I was flying,  I was free,  I wasn't being held back my anything anymore. 

Without a second thought I swooped out the gap in the wall where my front door once was, before racing into the forest.  I wove in and out of the trees,  enjoying my enhanced vision after what seemed like a lifetime.  I flew along the small stream in between Forks and La push for awhile before ascending higher to the treetops as the sun began to set.  I could feel the warm afternoon breeze against my skin as the only sound around for miles was my wings steadily beating.  The faint smell of pine filled my nose as I was surrounded by a oddly placed feeling of ease.  I knew I should be fretting over this second Imprint thing but I wasn't.  I let the sunset take all my worries away from me.  Apart from one,  how was I going to explain the door to Charlie?

Gods above please help me. 

Bella The Shifter - Shifter Of The SunWhere stories live. Discover now