Re-meeting the Cullen's

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I sighed as I sped up, deciding I had spent enough time procrastinating already. I had showered for fifteen minuets before taking ten more to get dressed then I shifted and began my flight to the border line. Only now I decided to speed up as Paul was loosing his restraint and I knew he would lash out if I didn't arrive pronto. The Skye was already getting dark and my heart ached slightly as the reality of the day sank in. Is wasn't just a weird dream. This was my messed up reality.

My messed up reality which caused me to fly straight past where I was meant to be meeting everyone. Great.
Doing a loop-de-loop (one of my favourite tricks) I began flying back to the small river separating the Cullen's and the packs land.
I could hear the Cullen's speaking and the pack growling a mile off. They were incapable of being civil.

I suddenly swooped lower down, diving threw a small gap in the tree canopy before pulling up at the last minute and letting out a loud squark as I spread my wings fully, silencing everyone.
Thank you!
I saw the pack let out a woolfy chuckle, obviously from reading my thoughts. Rude.

Be...snow it's not like that and you know it. Sam thought as I went and pitched myself on Alice's shoulder only to receive a sharp squeal as Alice grabbed me into her arms and began cradling me like a baby. I cried out and tried to free myself but after a few minutes I gave in and lay motionless in her arms and she stroked my feathers lovingly.

"I thought her name was Beth?" Edward asked, catching us off guard. Wait, what!
Edward! Edwards here! Why didn't any of you tell me! I screamed into the mind link, happy when they all flinched slightly.

"Why do you care about me being here?" Edward asked sulkily, making me roll my eyes while I refused to look at him. No way was I going to be able to keep my emotions calm if I saw him again.

Her name is Beth but her nicknames snow... Sam replied to Edward's earlier question.

"Oh." Edward deadpanned as if he had been expecting a MI5 explanation with secret weapons, ninjas and exploding helicopter's. Yea, not sure where that came from.

"Now please, back on track. The treaty." Carlisle said after a second, breaking the awkward atmosphere only to replace it with a hostile one.

"You mutts broke the treaty! You're lucky we're letting you live; I was all for killing you personally." Rosalie sneered. Well she's obviously not changed.

"Yes, we are awear of that but Colin is new to the pack and today was a hard day for him." Edward translated for Sam.

"Well, I'm sure we can come to a compromise..." Carlisle said, rubbing Esme's back as she cowered behind him. It broke my heart seeing my mother figure so scared and vulnerable and without thinking, I found myself flying across and landing on her shoulder.

"Hello there." She cooed softly while gently stroking my feathers.

"We do not wish for any more violence. We don't wish for any deaths or families torn apart." Edward translated for Sam, growling slightly.

What are we going to do? Seth asked down the mind link.

I don't know, its all so confusing at the moment. Leah replied with a sigh.

How about a peace offering? I suggested.

What do you mean? Quill asked worriedly.

I can go and... live with them.


No way!

Not a chance.

"I think that's a great idea actually." Edward interrupted, obviously hearing our whole conversation.

"What is son?" Carlisle asked.

"Beth here, is go into live with us." Edward said with what was probably a smirk, I wasn't going to look to find out.

"Beth..." Alice said, dragging out my name.

What pixie?

"She called you a pixie." Edward chuckled, finally leading to my undoing. My head snapped up to see a weak smile on his face, his eyes looked dull and he had large circles around his eyes. He needed to hunt.
However, now I had seen him, I couldn't look away.
My world shifted; my reason for loving changed almost as if there was now a thousands steel poled tying me to Edward. At that moment my worst nightmare came true.
I imprinted on Edward Cullen.


Firstly, sorry Wgirl303 I sorta had to put Bella and Edward together as I didn't want to split up Alice and jasper as that always ends up with Edward and Alice being evil. Sorry!

Okay, I'm sorry for taking so long to update again, I'm going to update once a week so not as much as my other book which if you haven't read you should go and check out, its my first completed work.
This isn't going to be a very long book as I have loads of other books planned in my drafts and I need to start on my sequel to my first published book, that being Bella the demigod and the sequel return to Olympus.

You can read the summaries to all my books in the last chapter of Bella the demigod on my page if you haven't seen them already.

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