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The moment we arrived back at the reservation I could tell something was off. Not only could I see one of Sam's windows were smashed but all the pack elders were huddled around something... Someone.


I instantly shifted back as Sam, Jake and I rushed over to see what had happened. I almost wished I hadn't. Colin was lying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood while Emily was sobbing loudly into Quill's embrace. "What happened!" Sam demanded, drawing everyone's attention to us. Emily three herself into Sam's arms as she began sobbing even louder. What the hell is going on?

"Colin, he-he was in a realy b-bad state of mind." Emily stuttered between sobs. "He ran out the house. He s-slamed the d-door and the glass shattered on him. I didn't know what to do!" Emily wailed as Sam frantically tried to comfort her.

"Emily, its going to be okay. Breath and calm down, look at me." Sam demanded softly as he pulled Emily's face up to his. "He's going to be just fine." Sam Murmered before placing a soft kiss on Emily's head.

I pushed through the ground of elders, ignoring their protests. "Excuse me!" One of them exclaimed. "We are very busy little girl, run along and let us sort this out." They continued, earning a scowl from me. I was just about to open my mouth to give the little toad a peice of my mind when Sue spoke for me.

"Harold, this is Bella. She can heal Colin so leave her be." Sue hissed, ever since she'd started dating Charlie, she'd become very protective of me.
Yes, Sue and my father are dating, three months now. It was quite a shock realy, coming home to see my dad and Sue and my dad in the middle of an intense make out session.
Awkward much?

"Where's the worse wounds?" I asked the elders.

"Just that one there on his arm." Billy said, pointing to a deep gash on Colin's right upper arm.
"The others are minor cuts, healing already." He continued.

I sighed at the stupidity of this boy yet a hit of sorry somehow made its way into the gesture. Colin was going through a rough time, we needed to be lenient. I shifted into a Phoenix, crying and healing his wounds. A while ago we had found out my blood also healed, in any form. Now I know what you're thinking- erm okay... Like ewww wtf? How do you know that? Do you like let the wolves drink your blood or something.

No, that's not how I know. I know because a while ago a tree collapsed and landed partly on me and Jacob. I had cut my hand and leg while Jacob had a big gash going from his right shoulder to his elbow.
While I was looking at it and trying to clean it, some of my blood must have got into his wound and let me tell you, it was the weirdest thing ever.
Sort of, gold stitch-like line had appeared and practically sewed his skin back together. It was creepy realy.

When I returned from my day dreaming I found I was no longer outside next to Colin's bloody body but sat on Emily's couch whit a blanket draped over me. I shook my head and let out a breath, I really needed to pay attention.

"So, what are we doing about the Cullen's? I can't believe they're back! I mean, the cheek!" I exclaimed, making everyone groan.

"Bella, we've just been through all this but yes, I know it is rather annoying that they're back." Quill said from next to me.

"As for what were doing, were ring to have a meeting wit them. Now." Sam said as he stood up, followed by everyone else.

"Okay, I'm going to wash quickly. Please don't think about me, he might read it in your minds." I begged.

"God damn mind rapist." Seth muttered making Leah smirked as only she and I heard him speak.

"Bella, I doubt we're going to be able to not think of you. We want to rip there throats out for what they did to you." Sam said.

"Fine." I sighed. "Erm... You can call me.. Erm... Any ideas?" I asked, coming up short.

"Leech lover?" Leah asked lightly, trying not to laugh.

"No way." I said seriously, trying to retain my own smile.

"Brownie?" Seth suggested.

I looked at him weirdly. "Erm, next!"

"Leo? Short for leopard."


"Phoebe? Like Phoenix."


"Erm..." Chorused the pack, scratching their heads in thought. They were already out of ideas. Useless!

"Snow!" Brady exclaimed after a minute.

"Snow?" I repeated sceptically.

"Yeah, I get it. Like when you phase your fur. Its the most beautiful snow white ever." Colin said, shocking us with his positive attitude. "What?" He asked innocently, Seing out shocked faces.

"Never mind. Snows perfect and I don't even know why we spent so long on this, I'm going to shower now. What's the time by the way?" I rambled.

"It's 4:35 and we'll meet you at the treaty line. Please be quick I t the feeling we'll need you to keep the peace." Sam said before giving Emily a sweet kiss and heading out the doors with the pack.

"You know where the show is Bella, help yourself." Emily smiled before picking up a copy of Vogue and glueing her eyes to it, a small smile on her face.

I smiled weekly before heading to the bathroom. Things had just got a while lot more complicated.

I'm soooooo sorry that I've taken so long, I won't try and think up some excuse but between going back to school and being lazy I've only just got around to finishing this today. ❄❄❄❄❄

Bella The Shifter - Shifter Of The SunTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon