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I let out a startled scream as Tanya came flying towards me; instinctively, I brought my left forearm to shield my face as I clenched my eyes shut, not wanting to see my demise.

Suddenly I heard a pained scream, causing my eyes to fly open. What I saw before me made me gasp in shock, seriously I had never meant for this to happen. Yet it it did. Tanya had activated one of my most primal instincts, one I had never meant to surface again. I was manipulating fire. Actually, saying that I'm not sure manipulating is the right word, to manipulate fire there has to be fire near by somewhere; I had made fire appear from nothing and then manipulated that into a wall between me and the snarling vampires. As quickly as it came, it was gone. Leaving nothing but a slight hint of smoke in the air which would quickly air out.

"New question" Irina spat, "what are you?"

"I'm... I'm just a normal girl..." I said though it came out sounding like a question.

"Well, I'm sure the Cullen's are going to be delighted to hear your explanation on why you're in their home and what you are." Kate said, giving me a sarcastic smile.

"Girls, don't be rude." Carmen admonished lightly, making me roll my eyes. Like that's really going to stop them.

Suddenly they all froze before smirks came across Tanya, Irina and Kate's faces. Okay... I took another step away from them all, worried that I might have to make a last minute dash away but found myself trapped in the corner of the living room. I had absolutely no idea how I had manned to travel all the way over here but I also didn't know how the sofa had been pushed to an odd angel, two of the pillows burst or the mini sausages go flying around the floor either. Great.

"Looks like the Cullen's are about to arrive. Say your prayers sunshine." Tanya spat.

"Sunshine?" I asked, raising a brow showing how unimpressed I was. They really needed to get some better nick names... Or insults I couldn't tell which it was ment to be but I didn't get the chance to ask before I suddenly heard the front door burst open as there was a flurry of action which resulted in me ending up behind Edward, crouching on the stairs.

"What the lords name is going on here!" Carlisle exclaimed, rushing through the door just in time to see the Denalie sisters jump into offensive crouches opposite his first 'son' and newest, human 'daughter'.

Esme came rushing over to me and began fussing about me, sitting me in a more comfortable way on the stairs so I wasn't being half crushed my my snarling imprint. I noticed Jasper pull Alice closer to him as Emmet did the same with Rosalie.

"What is that." Tanya spat, jerking her head I'm my direction, making Edward hiss along with the entire Cullen family.

I took a step closer to Edward, rubbing his back soothingly. I practicality felt the tension melt out of him as he  moved an arm behind him to pull me closer.

"She is Bella, our sister, Carlisle and Esme's daughter and Edwards mate." Jasper growled viciously, some of his southern twang seeping into his voice.

"WHAT!" Tanya screeched. "You're all being controlled by that freak! Get it away she's dangerous! She almost killed me! She's not your mantle Eddie! I am!" She wailed, making my eyes widen as she revealed the little... Mishap.

"How could Bella almost kill you, she's human. Your a vampire" Rosalie said in the tone she used to use when she rarely spoke to me.

"She, she made fire. Out of nothing, it came from her hands, she's not safe, Edward can see it, just look in our minds!" Kate said, drawing the attention to herself.

"Yeah, and me, we all saw It, didn't we mum, dad, she said turning to Carmen and Elizer." Irina piped in.

"Well, I'm not sure what I saw to be honest..." Carmen said, rubbing her forehead.

"But it wasn't something a human should be able to do". Elizer  finished.

I felt Edward stiffen slightly under me and immediately panicked a moment later I felt a false sense of calm wash over me and shot Jasper a look, I appreciated his efforts but I was to worried to accept the false emotions. 

Slowly my fears became a reality. Edward slowly pulled away from me and crouched defensively in front of his family. "What the hell Bella. " he spat, making my world come crashing down.

What have I done.

Omg I swear I say this every time but I'm sooooooooooooo sorry I took so long to update Christmas and new at have been hectic then I've had a load of schoolwork mixed in with the fact I went camping this weekend  and I've been reading and not updating and now I feel so bad and so selfish.
Anyway I hope you all had an amazing xmas and new year and for anyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas two weeks free from work/school.

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