The Pack

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The next morning I was alone and utterly bored.
Charlie was at work and school had broken up for the summer. I rolled out of my bed and trudged into the small kitchen witch was illuminated with the early morning sun. I poured myself a bowl of fruit loops before walking into the living room with the bowl in my hand. I sat down and turned the TV on, flicking through the channels before settling on the news. I began eating my fruit loops with my hands as I didn't bother getting a spoon and I didn't have any milk with my cereal so... You know... Yea.

I ate my cereal in silence, the only sound my munching and the quiet buzz of the TV which I could pick up on with my advanced hearing.
I quickly finished finished my breakfast before dumping the bowl on the sofa and rushing up to my room. I was going to go to la push and see the pack.
I knew they would all know about me with the mind link and all but I wanted to visit, be with my own kind, well, sorta my own kind.

I slammed the bathroom door shut before quickly showering and cleaning myself. Afterwards I realised I had forgotten my towel but, oh well, its only me here. I quickly ran across the hallway into my room, thankful for once that my room was opposite the bathroom. Once inside my room, I quickly pulled together an outfit from my wardrobe. I decided to go barefoot as it was a lot easier and made me feel more connect to nature.
I grabbed a light, flow-ey dress and slipped it on over my head before jumping out the window, thankful that my shifter abilities allowed me to do so without injuring myself.

Once I landed, I ran into the forest before shifting into a hawk and flying towards la push. After about ten minutes I began the see the reservation come into view. I flew over the beach towards Jacobs house, passing over the woods on the way. I was grateful I did though as I spotted the pack sitting in a small clearing about ten minutes away from Jacobs house. They were all in there human form, in only a pair of cut off shorts each, as per usual.
I swooped down to the clearing and perched myself on Sam's shoulder just for the sake of it.
It was so worth it.
He jumped about a foot in the air before desperately trying to get rid of me. After a moments panic, he became deadly calm and glared at me. Oops...

"Bella.." He growled, causing the rest of the pack to fall into silence.a

I hopped off his shoulder, phasing back in mid-air and landing in a crouch before standing up casually. "Yes?" I asked sweetly.

"Why?" He moaned.

"The question is my friend: why not?" I replied.

"Touché" he mumbled before throwing his arm around my neck.

"Gees Bella really is a badass shifter!" Quill and Seth yelled, making everyone laugh.

Seth, Paul, Quill, Sam, Jacob, Leah, Jarred, Embry, Collin, Brady and I all spent the rest of the day chasing each other around the small clearing. Leah was glad she finally had another female pack member and all the other boys were excited to see what I could shift into. The pack was a lot larger that I actually thought. I always forgot Quill, Jarred and Embry were part of the pack and I didn't even know Brady and Collin and phased.

"Bella! Bella! Can you shift into a dragon?" Collin yelled at me as I was trying to get a tan.

I groaned while sitting up. I honestly didn't know if I could shift into a dragon. Why would I? I hadn't ever tried it. I stood up while shrugging. What harm could it do? "Okay, stand back a bit." I called before doing the familiar process of picturing the desired form. After a moment I felt the thrilling rush of sparks crash across my skin, causing a wide grin to spread across my face as I began to feel my body distort and reshape, growing, twisting, stretching before settling once more.

I opened my eyes a second later and gasped, well, actually that's what I meant to do. I actually ended up setting a tree on fire.
I quickly phased back as the pack all began laughing at me. Idiots.
"Well I guess I can shift into a dragon" I mumbled more to myself.

"Nahh" Jarred responded sarcastically.

"Oh whatever, be glad that I didn't do any real damage" I snorted.

"I would absolutely hate to see your definition of 'real damage' "Jacob said.

" I second that " Quill and Seth said at the same time.

" I'm so lucky to have such a great pack." I said later that night as Jacob dropped me home.

"To right you are" Jacob grinned.

"Goober" I muttered, hitting his chest playfully.

"I know you love me" Jacob joked as I opened the door.

"Yea whatever you say Jake"

"See you tomorrow bells" Jacob said before turning around and shifting before dashing of into the woods.

"See you tomorrow Jake" I murdered as I shut the door before making my way upstairs, to bed.

"Stop right there missie. Where have you been!" Charlie scolded.

Oh knew I'd forgotten something...

Bella The Shifter - Shifter Of The SunWhere stories live. Discover now