The past comes back to haunt us

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Pic of Bella's Woolf form at top.


"No! How did I forget?"

"I'm an awful alpha"



"No wonder he's been so down lately"

"How has he not told anyone?"

Everyone's shocked voices filled the air while I stood frozen. Collin was adopted? How had I never noticed? He looked nothing like either of hieps parents and neither of them were shifters, I mean of course they knew about the shifters but his father wasn't one himself. Oh god.

"I didn't know" I gasped. "I had ho idea he was adopted"

"It's okay Bella. You wouldn't. He doesn't speak about it to anyone" Emily said comfortingly as he embraced me in a motherly fashion. One I had missed for the last year since the Cullen's left. Yes, I can say their name now. Woopie do! Big deal, now get over it.

"We need to make it up to him. We need to find him! There are vampires about!" Brady yelled, making us all gasp in realization. He was right. We all began talking quickly about who would go where with who and so on and we were almost done when a loud howl peirced the air. We all fell silent as we knew who it was sending out the obvious distress call. Collin. The rest of the packs heads shot up as we all abandoned our previous tasks and charged out the door, shifting as we reached the tree line.

I decided to shift into an eagle so I could have an advantage of flight over whatever threat Collin was battling against. I opened up my mind and instantly was bombarded by the sickly sweet scent of vampires.
VAMPIRES?! oh please, don't let it be them.
No. Stop right there Bella. Why on earth would it be them? There are thousands of other vamps. Its not them.
No, it must just be the weird ones who seem to know about the treaty and have been avoiding us for the last month since we first got their scent.
The only other thing I could get from his mind was that it was female.
Great, a female vamp causing trouble.

Collin! What happened!? I screamed down the mind link.

I don't know, she stinks! She isn't a human and my instincts are going mental! He wailed, lunging at it again.

Its a vampire Collin! I screached.

He then showed us what had happened, the vampire was on the cul- their, side of the border, facing away so I still couldn't see who it was but then Collin attacked due to his instincts. I hope it isn't one of them. Otherwise its goodbye treaty.

Collin stop! Everyone kept yelling at him but he was too far gone to hear. He was running totally of instincts now.

The pack and I were nearing them now and could hear the vamp hissing and Collin's growls filling the air. Where was this vamps coven? They aren't alone right? Maybe, oh well. As long as there not a threat to the humans. I don't care.
I flapped my wings furiously making myself go faster then ever before. I heard Collin let out a whimper as the vampire scratched him which fueled me on even more.

I arrived at the border a few minutes before the pack and dived behind some trees, phasing into a wolf so I wouldn't draw any extra attention to myself. I leapt out to see the vampire and Collin about ten meters away from each other, the vampires back was towards me and I could tell she hadn't noted my presence yet. She was missing an arm and no doubt had a lot of cuts and cracks littering her skin.
Collins eyes quickly flashed to me before returning to the vampire.
I slowly took a step forward and just my luck, a branch snapped under my foot. So much for being stealthy. The vampires head snapped towards me and I gasped.
There stood someone I never thought I would see again.
There, in the small moonlit clearing, stood Esme Cullen.

Guilt overwhelmed me. I knew it wasn't me who had harmed her but If I hadn't had been so difficult Collin wouldn't be here and she wouldn't be hurt.
Esme, Rosalie and Jasper were the three I could never bring myself to hate. Emmet was on the line, sometimes I could forgive him, others I was a millimeter away from wanting to tear him to shreds.

I was in a trance, so much so I didn't even notice Collin leaping onto Esme, taking her off guard due to the fact she was still staring at me. She was flung across the clearing and into a tree. I heard her let out a whimper as she smashed through the tree.
I had to help her.
I couldn't let her die.

COLLIN STOP! STOP IT NOW! I screamed in desperation.

Within a second I had leapt in front of Esme's crumpled form and began growling viciously at Collin. He had hurt her and he would definitely going to get the worse screaming at he has ever received after this.
I had to lock my muscles in place to avoid attacking him right there, I was furious.
We both knew who would win that fight if it was to happen, and the odds weren't in his favour.
He took a step forward, causing me to growl a murderous growl. He leapt back and was instantly surrounded by the pack, after a few growls from either side, they began towing him away. Neither of us had noticed them arrive during our intense stare-down but I was glad they were here otherwise I would probably have killed him.
I couldn't think about that for now. I had to help Esme. At least she was safe. Well, for now.

As soon as they were out of my sight I spun around to see a terrified Esme. Her severed arm was leaking a vast amount of venom and she was covered in dirt and cracks. I can't believe Collin did this! I took a step towards her but she whimpered and scooted away. The guilt and sadness was overwhelming me.

"Please don't hurt me" she croaked.

She thought I was going to hurt her? Why would I save her from Collin if I was going to harm her myself? I shock my head, signalling I want going to hurt her but I was seriously wondering where the rest of the Cullen's were. As I was thinking this a loud whine erupted from my throat, causing her to whimper and push herself further into the bushes.

I decided I needed to get her back to the Cullen's, I could just follow her scent and it should lead to them. Right?
I padded across the clearing and picked up Esme's arm in my mouth.
It was gross. Ewwwwww.
The only reason I did it was because I loved her. She was my mother. After I had collected her arm I slowly made my way over to her and scooped her up onto my back, much to her horror and protest.
I felt her hand grip onto my fur with her intense strength and it took all my will not try cry out in pain.
Damn, she has a tight grip.

I walked a few meters over to the treaty line, not wanting to cross without her permission. I knew the treaty was technically broken now, but it was all about trust and faith.

Esme seemed shocked that I was waiting for her permission and quickly said I could cross.
That was all the confirmation I needed. I was off. Running as fast as I could back to the Cullen house.
The sickly-sweet stench of vampire was getting stronger every second, yet I noticed it wasn't as bad as the others made it out to be. It was more like a sweet lime scent mixed with lemon tart.

I could see small flashes of the house in front of me now so I knew we were close, I knew they would attack me but I didn't care. I had to help Esme I honestly didn't care if that got me hurt.
I knew we were well within hearing range for them all so I knew I would be greeted with a not so friendly reception as soon as the saw Esme.

I burst through the treeline and looked at the house, it hadn't change at all since fifty years ago.
A second later the greeting comity arrived.
Five of them, Carlisle, Emmet, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper but no Edward. Where was he?
I didn't have time to think further on that thought as there faces turned from confusion and disgust to murderously angry ones.
Only then did I realise how much trouble I realy was in.

Bella The Shifter - Shifter Of The SunOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant