Dear Bella

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"What do you mean fever? I don't have a fever, I'm just cold. Besides, fevers take weeks to recover from, not a couple of hours." I said, growing worried. I didn't know how my shifter healing would affect this. Could they tell I wasn't normal?

"Honey..." the female nurse said, an anxious expression painted on her face. "You've been in a coma for four months."


What? How? Why?  a thousand questions raced through my mind all at once. "Wh-how-why?" I stammered eventually.

"Don't you remember?" The male nurse asked with slightly wide eyes before he began scribbling somthing down on the clipboard hooked to the end of my bed.

"Remember what?" I asked, confused to what he meant.

"You stumbled into some peoples garden a couple miles way from here half dead. To be hnest were not really sure how your survived." The female nurse supplied for me. Well that's apparently where my shifter healing kicked in...

"I remember that!" I exclaimed, flapping my arms before wincing. " I just want to know how I was in a coma for four months."

"You were in the coma by the time you arrived here, we had to operate on you immediately and give you several blood transfusions. We're not entirely sure why you went into a coma but once you were out of the operation your body temperature had dropped to much and we had to burry you in hot packs. That did however somehow cause you to get a fever also but you're better now. Right?" The male nurse said.

"Yes I'm fine, just tired really and I'm curious, who are these cards from?" I asked.

"Erm, we traced your hospital record back to Forks. It wasn't hard to find to be honest, it seems your quite familiar with hospitals by your extensive record." The female nurse said, making me blush. "I'm Julia by the way." She added.

"Oh, sorry, how rude of us! I'm Mitchell." The other nurse said.

"Bella, but I'm sure you already knew that."

"Yes, we got that from your I'd. Here, I'll pass you the cards, and erm, a girl called Alice told me to give you this." Julia said before producing a small envelope from her apron with my name written in Alice's elegant scrip on.

"Thank you, I'll call if I need anything." I said, politely hinting for then to leave.

"Sure thing hun', well be around" Mitchell said before grabbing the remaining cards and handing them to me as Julia gave me the others as they both left the room, shutting the door behind them.

I looked down at the large pile of cards and Alice's letter before sighing. Placing the letter to one side I decided to start eight the cards. I had no idea who they were from.

I opened up the first on and began reading.
Dear Bella, get well soon, call us when you can we want to know all the detes. Oxox Lauren and Jessica.
Of course those two would want all the details, they probably only want to spread a load of gossip and rumors about me.

Moving on the the next one I couldn't help but laugh at the image on the front. It was of a kitten in a hospital bed looking adorable. Dear Bella, WHAT DID YOU DO TO GET YOURSELF IN HOSPITAL YOU'RE IN A COMA AND SO MUCH TROUBLE. lots of love Jake xx. Oh great. Jakes going to flip, I need to try and call him.

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