Recruitment Interview with @littlemissredfield

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Recruitment Interview with @littlemissredfield

1.  What prompted you to enter the MotherHorror Smackdown?

I am a very dedicated horror fan, and have been since I was a child. I remember the first horror movie I ever watched and how old I was. I wanted to give my own little dip into the genre, so I submitted.

2.  Have you participated in any of the other Wattpad's Smackdown competitions? If yes, which ones and how many rounds did make it through?

 No, I'm new to the whole smackdown concept, but this one has been really fun, I'll have to look into the other ones.

3.  What do you think makes a good smackdown competition?

Seeing everyone compete, but showing such great sportsman ship. I found it really sweet that most of the competitors stopped by my story and left comments, I wish everyone just as much luck as they wished me.

4.  What would you like to see in the upcoming rounds?

Oh my god, there is so much I'd like to see. I'm not really sure what I'd like to see the most, but I'm sure whatever happens will be great. (I'm kind of hoping for a monster round. Who doesn't love monsters?)

5.  What were your first thoughts when you saw the recruitment picture and the word count

When I first saw the recruitment picture and the word count, I was really intimidated, I mean, I didn't feel like I could do it, but when I got started, it was actually really simple.

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