Recruitement Interview with @ChaosGale

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Recruitement Interview with @ChaosGale

1. What promoted you to enter the MotherHorror Smackdown?

Well I'm Following RichardStaschy....So when he broadcasted the news about this Smackdown....I thought I'll try my hands on something new :D

2. Have you participated in any of the other Wattpad's Smackdown competitions? If yes, which ones and how many rounds did make it through?

Well particularly I haven't participated in any Smackdown competition But recently I joined another competition (WPfactor) where I got through the auditions & am now currently in the first round! I've participated in a few poetry competitions & became 2nd in one! ;)

3. What do you think makes a good smackdown competition?

Hmm..that's a difficult question :) I think unique topics & ideas which will stretch & bring out the best in every participant as well as a good sporting spirit..That way it'll be more fun & we'll also get something to learn from everybody :)

4. What would you like to see in the up coming rounds?

A lot of Unique Creative prompts...Challenging concepts combined with Horror which will only help us to dig deep into our mind & spill the creative juices out of us. That way we can all keep on improving. And also unbiased & fair judgement along with creative criticism :D

5. What were your first thoughts when you saw the recruitment picture and the word count ?

Wow..This picture is amazing...I wonder where she got that!! :) The whole idea or rather concept came in a jiffy but the thing is I've never written any short stories...Whenever I get an idea I always think it's for a novel! But this picture finally gave a concept for a short story. I know a short story should have a solid plot..but to write that in 500 words were impossible for me! Flash fiction that is..But I'm really glad as I was allowed to only enter an excerpt from that story! :D

Thank you very much for taking your time to read this! :D

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