Round 3.2 Quote, Element, & Picture Round

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****Warning I will be spelling out everything for contestants and judges, this way everyone is on the same page****


Trick or treat,

Smell my feet,

Give me something good to read!

Well Halloween is upon us and I can’t get by without having a good ole’ Halloween smackdown.  So here is your challenge if you chose to accept it or not is up to you. 

**Write a 2,000 to 6,000 word story** If you submit a story over or under the word count will not make it to the next round. The challenge is to write a story within these specifications.

** THE THEME IS HALLOWEEN** No Scooby-Do stories here.  I want it to be truly frightening; something that would scare the kids to hide under their covers. You will need to stay within the Halloween theme throughout your story.   The Halloween theme is worth 5 points

*WIND, FIRE, WATER, EARTH** This is going to be tricky. You are to use at least on natural element within you story primarily, but you need to mention the other three. Here is the key, they must either work together or against each other, but not both. This is an all or nothing scoring.  If you do it, you’ll get 4 points, if you don’t, you’ll lose 4.

**USE 4 OF THE PICTURES** Do not use more than 4 or less than 4. See you get it, 4 is the magic number.  Your pictures need to be an integrate part of your story.  DO NOT just give the picture a casual mention or just describe it. The picture needs to actually mean something.  If you use more than 4 pictures you’ll be docked -4 points per picture you used extra. If you use less than 4, you will be docked -2 points for each picture you were missing.   The pictures will be worth 2 points each, meaning 8 points total.

**USE 4 QUOTES WITHIN THE STORY** Remember to bold the quotes as you write so they can be found easily. Also, these quotes need to add something to your story, not just be added gibberish. Only use 4 quotes; no more, no less... again if you use more than 4 you will be docked -4 points per quote. If you don’t use at least 4 quotes, each quote you miss will be a -2 points.   Quotes are worth the same as pictures. 2 points each, meaning 8 points total.

***S/P/G***Remember these things as you write. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are going to be looked at.  You will receive 1-5 points for this. 5 is for perfect, not one flaw could be found, all the way down to 1 point, which means I couldn’t read the story because of a 4 year old wrote it.  So Judges and Contestants keep that in mind.

***OVER ALL ENJOYMENT*** You’ll also be judged on over all enjoyment. This means how the judge as a reader felt in regard to the overall story. You will receive 10 points for over all enjoyment.

~~~Part of any contest is seeing who reads the rules and follows them. It’s all part of the challenge. So besides gaining points, you can lose them as well~~~

You will need to dedicate your new story to MotherHorror.  This means the first chapter of the new story. Even if you’re placing all you’re smackdown stories in one book, the first chapter/page will need to be dedicated to MotherHorror  -3 points if not done.

All your quotes will need to be listed on the first page of your story. So place the number of the quotes you used. Also, make sure that quotes are in bold so the judges can locate them easily. If you do not do this -3 points.

The Pictures will also need to be listed on the first page of your story. You do not need to describe the picture, only the number. If you forget, it’s -3 points.

Please also put your word count down. -1 if you forget.

Also, I would like to see no graphic sex in these stories. Sorry, but we want to stay with the Horror genre and not slip into Erotica. This will be a disqualification. Sorry.

So here is the breakdown on what you’ll be scored against. This way you know exactly where you need to take your stories.

Halloween Theme: 5 points

Elements:  4 points.

Pictures: 8 points

Quotes: 8 points

S/P/G: 5 points

Overall enjoyment: 10

TOTAL POINTS: 30 points total per judge.

To our judges: You are more than welcome to give you feedback to any or all the stories you read. You are not required to do so.

Judges once all the stories have been turned in I will give you your reading list. I’m hoping to break the stories up so they are read by 3 different judges.

There will no extensions this time around. Sorry, but you have until 4 pm PST on Sunday, October 20th to turn in your story.

Please not that I will not be posting your scores, but there will be a ranking from 1-15.  The bottom 5 will be eliminated.

If you have any questions, please PM @MotherHorror or you’ll get an answer quicker if you PM @Shattered_Violet

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