Recruitement Interview with @Vsavsa

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Recruitement Interview with @Vsavsa

1. What promoted you to enter the MotherHorror Smackdown?

RichardStaschy posted the link to MotherHorror Smackdown 3.0 on my wall, told me if I was serious in writing horror I should try it. I thought it was an awesome idea and here I am. =)

2. Have you participated in any of the other Wattpad's Smackdown competitions? If yes, which ones and how many rounds did make it through?

No, MotherHorror Smackdown 3.0 was the first Smackdown competition on Wattpad I entered. To be honest it’s also the first story writing competition I've entered too.

3. What do you think makes a good smackdown competition?

A good challenge and a good catch/edge.

4. What would you like to see in the up coming rounds?

Hard question, there are a lot of sweet horror combinations. Maybe science fiction horror or creepy monsters in the closet typed thing. =P

5. What were your first thoughts when you saw the recruitment picture and the word count?

When I saw the picture and all the things in it and found out we had to write about I thought it was pretty awesome loved the picture. When I saw the word count I thought it would be a bit difficult to stay at the five hundred zone. [It was]

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