Round 3.1 Scoreboard

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Round 3.1 Scoreboard

Attention, attention!!! Drum roll please. All scores have been turned in and tallied. There were 2 contestants that have been disqualified for not turning in a story, so that means only 3 writers will be eleminated this round. I have listed everyone with their final score out 40. ***Each story was read by two judges, giving you your final scores for this round. The contestants with the lowest overall scores will be eliminated.***

@CelticMedusa = 37/40

@DLSproule =36/40

@Emmalee_Sky = 35/40

@juviblack = 35/40

@jewel1307 = 34/40

@ScottRoche =33/40

@DavidGibbs6 = 33/40

@RichardStaschy = 32/40

@SashaWindrider = 32/40

@MaraWay = 32/40

@Mr_Aek = 32/40

@simmeringsilver =31/20

@fallen_tear = 30-40

@vsarsa = 29/40

@MzJhyde = 29/40

@PhonerionBallznevsky = 27/40

@sarbearxsaysxhi = 22/40

@ChaosGale = 18/40

@sigrist disqualified

@littlemissredfield disqualified

@PhonerionBallznevsky @sarbearxsaysxhi @ChaosGale ... I'm sorry to see you three going, I know you tried your hardest to get a story to us before the disqualification date and I admire you all for sticking with it. Unfortunately, in the end there can only be one winner. Hope to see you in other smackdowns in the future.

Congratulations to everyone! Next round will begin on Sunday October 6th.

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