Recruitment Interview with @sirgist

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Recruitment Interview with @sirgist

1. What prompted you to enter the MotherHorror Smackdown?

Well, I've always loved a good smackdown, they take me out of my comfort zone and deadlines always make me work harder! Also, I loooove horror!

2. Have you participated in any of the other Wattpad's Smackdown competitions? If yes, which ones and how many rounds did make it through?

I've done a bunch of Sci-Fi smackdowns. I normally make it to a semi-final round before getting the boot. Some day I'm sure I'll get to compete in the final! Until then, I'll just enjoy the friendly competition and have fun. I'm also currently competing in the writing contest hosted by the Senior's Club, I just completed my semi-final round entry!

3. What do you think makes a good smackdown competition?

Friendly competition, and ambiguous prompts. I find that the more ambiguous the prompt, the easier it is to receive a diverse group of entries :)

4. What would you like to see in the up coming rounds?

Lots of surprises!

5. What were your first thoughts when you saw the recruitment picture and the word count ?

My first thoughts about the picture were "creepy," "disturbing," and "cool!" As for the word limit, I was over the moon about it! I love flash fiction and I think limiting the amount of words in your stories is ALWAYS a good thing. People are more willing to read shorter stories and it's an excellent form of practice to challenge yourself. Writing a short story with a strong impact is better than a long one that rambles. Leave the rambling for a novel, keep your stories short and strong.

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