Chapter 5

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*Harry's P.O.V*

We are currently in the club. Courtney is dancing with Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam. I am stuck with Cole, he is a utter jealous prick. 

He's told me that Courtney shouldn't like Louis after what he did to her. All he done was get a girlfriend for god sake. It's not like they were married and he had an affair is it?

"Cole listen mate, Courtney can like who she wants. Louis never did anything wrong, he fell in love and there is nothing wrong with that. It's not like he is a cheater he never went out with Courtney okay?" I spat.

"Woah  listen Harry, Courtney is confused at the moment and she likes me not Louis she just don't know it"

"I think she'd know if she liked you or not mate trust me. Louis is a good guy I'm not surprised that she likes him"

"Watch now then" Cole said getting up and grabbing Courtney's hand and bringing her over.

"Harry!" she screamed hugging me. She's way past drunk.

"Courtney do you fancy me or Louis" Cole smiled.

"I don't fancy you Cole, your-you're a good mate but not my type. Like I would fuck L-Louis any second of the day I can't see me doing that to you, not being nasty or nothing but ya know" Courtney smiled. How awkward right?

"So if say Niall, Liam, Zayn or Harry asked to sleep with you what would you say?" Cole asked. What the fuck? Why bring me and the boys into this. It's gonna get well awkward now.

"I'd rather shag them then shag you Cole. I don't fancy any of them though. See Cole I- I love people with tattoos, piercings, good fashion, who's a laugh ya know?"

"Stop saying 'Ya Know' and Niall don't have tattoos, piercings or good fashion and he's not a laugh. He is a boy who is weak, stupid, ugly and boring, so why do you like him?"

Ooh shit, don't slag Niall off in front of Courtney. If she don't do something then I will. Shit she just slapped him, now she is punching him. 

I grabbed Courtney and pulled her off him.

"Niall is not weak, stupid, ugly or boring, he is a kind, amazing, lovely, beautiful, funny, Irish lad and I love him for him. He is a caring person unlike you!" she spat. 

"Thank You Court, you are amazing. This is why you are like a sister to me" Niall spoke suddenly. I've only just realized that everyone is looking at us.

"No problemo Nialler" Courtney spoke hugging him. 

After a few minutes we decided to leave the club and go home. I didn't drink as I'm the driver.


"Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, i'm hungry can we get chips? or kebab? or pizza? or something please?" Courtney moaned.

"Courtney, if you be quiet we will go to McDonald's and eat inside yeah?" I spoke.

"Yay! GUYS WE'RE GOING TO MCDONALD'S" she shouted. She is one loud mother fucker.

I heard a chorus of yays and woos.

"Right if you guys don't be quiet until we get to McDonald's then you won't have no food got it? Now shush" I said. They went silent. Thank god, they were giving me a headache.

We arrived at McDonald's then went in and got our food, we ate it inside as we were all hungry. After we finished I drove us all home. It's been a long night.

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