Chapter 12

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*Harry's P.O.V*

Yesterday Courtney went out to try on her dress she obviously forgot her friends were coming over. We had to sit with them in the living room for ages. 

I had a good chat with Tasha, and Liam was flirting with this girl Hannah. Niall apparently already knew Jasmine, they were like kissing and everything. Zayn must of felt cool because he was sitting with Jordan, Emily and Christine. 

I'm going out for lunch with Tash, Liam and Hannah later. Just as friends though nothing more, yet. Nah I don't think Tasha will like me that way. She is stunning mind, she is funny, she defends herself, she has pretty eyes, she got an amazing personality and she is just purely amazing.


I picked Tasha up at 12:30pm and went to Ed's Easy Diner where we were meeting Hannah and Liam. 

We ordered our food surprisingly we all had the same thing. It cost £25 for two meals, so I paid for me and Tasha and Liam paid for him and Hannah.

 After we had lunch we went to Niall's house. He was there with Zayn and Louis playing video games. 

"Hey Lou, where's Courtney??" I asked.

"She's gone shopping with her mum, dad and siblings"

"Awh fair enough, is management still pissed off at you?"

"Yeah a little, they said that if our careers fuck up because of the pregnancy and wedding then I'm to blame. So no pressure on me at all" Louis' laughed.

"Ignore them Lou, its just a threat it won't ruin your career. The fans love photos of us with children and babies so they'll love the photos you post of yours. If anything it should make your career better" I replied.

"Hopefully it will. Me, my wife and our little man. My own family soon guys" Louis softly spoke.

"She best like the cake we picked out. And the decorations" Niall laughed.

"If I know Courtney like I think I do, I think that she'll love it. Even though it's not the one she wanted for her future wedding it is one that we always used to make when we were extremely happy or extremely sad" Louis smiled.

"Well that's good then, don't you have to pick up the rings later?" Zayn asked.

"Yep I gotta go between 3:30pm and 4:30pm. I had to make an appointment to pick them up can you believe that?"

"No way! That's fucked up dude" Liam spoke. 


We all sat playing video games before Louis left to pick up the rings. I honestly can't wait for the wedding. I just hope it don't get ruined by anyone.


[A/N] Short chapter sorry guys!!! 

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