Chapter 7

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*Louis' P.O.V* 

Courtney's been asleep for over 12 hours now. When we arrived here she got taken to have a shower then got took into surgery and operated on. They tried their best to cover the burns, we won't know what's it's like until she wakes up and they take the bandages off her.

I'm staying with her until she gets better. She got to have medicine as well to help fix any damage created from the smoke. People from the news papers, paparazzi, magazines and others are outside because they want a story. Like how did it happen? Why did she risk her life for strangers? Why did she get someone arrested for abuse? They've already asked those questions to us like how are we supposed to know right?

"Lou, we're gonna head off mate, it's getting late, tell Courtney we love her and hopes she gets better will you?" Niall spoke.

"Sure, thanks guys see you tomorrow or something" I replied.

"If you need anything just ring us alright?" Zayn smiled.

"Sure thanks mate"

"No problem" he replied. The boys all walked off then went home.


I woke up to see Courtney watching t.v and cuddling the teddy bear I got her. 

"Morning sleeping beauty" she smiled.

"Morning love, why didn't you wake me for Court? I could've chatted to you or something" 

"Because Lou, I got told by one of the nurses that you stayed awake most of the night making sure I was okay. You needed your sleep and you wouldn't have slept if I woke you up" she giggled.

"Awh love that is kind of you thank you! I'm gonna freshen up I'll be back I promise" 

"It's okay I'm not going anywhere anyway" she laughed.

I got up grabbed my bag and ran into the shower. I quickly showered, brushed my teeth etc then got changed. 

I went and sat back by Courtney. 

"Lou, the doctor said that I have to stay in hospital for the next week so the burns can heal. The scars shouldn't be very noticeable either" Courtney smiled. 

"That's great love, do you need anything or want anything?" I asked.

"Could you pass me my laptop please and I want to talk to you about something"

I passed her laptop to her and helped her plug the charger in and set it all up then I sat back down ready to listen to Courtney.

*Courtney's P.O.V*

I wanted to ask Louis about what happened yesterday, I want an answer from him. He told me that he is in love with me.

Louis sat down after helping me sort out the laptop and plugging it all in. This is the time to ask him. 

"Okay, well yesterday I told you I loved you and your reply was 'I'm in love with you too' that kind of shocked me a bit. Like why would you say that if you're with Eleanor?"

"Well, I was worried you were gonna die and I thought I might as well tell you the truth about how I feel about you and that is that I am madly in love with you and missing out on the chance back last Christmas annoyed me. Any guy is lucky to be with you, you are amazing and I don't know if you feel the same way or not but I promise you that this is the truth and I am in love with you. I want you to be mine" Louis' replied looking at the ground blushing.

"Lou, I'm in love with you too, I always have been ever since I first met you. Not many people like me as I'm me and I don't change for anyone. I'm not the prettiest or skinniest person ever but I'm me and i'm happy the way I am. I wish it happened at Christmas but it didn't. You can have any girl you want but you want me why?" I smiled.

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