Chapter 22

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[AN] - Sorry if it is crap, i've got writers block ;'( 

After I had gotten Tommy from my mothers house I popped into the shop to buy a few things. I looked at a news paper to see a side heading. 'Louis Tomlinson's wife's secret life'. I picked it up and started reading it.

"Sorry m'aam but you can't read them unless you buy it" A man spoke.

"Fine how much is it?"


I gave him the money then walked out of the shop. I went back home and read the paper. No one was here as they all went to their homes and rehearsals.

'Has Louis Tomlinson's wife, Courtney Tomlinson, got a secret life? Here we reveal all.
Courtney was found walking around with another guy and two children. We thought this was a one off thing until it happened on several occasions with different people. The first time this happened it was with a man and two children, the second time was with another man and a child, then recently she was seen with a man in a club last night. She was dancing on poles, drinking, singing and dancing by the DJ. Is she a cheater and a party animal or is there a explanation behind this?'

This paper is a load of bull, I thought to my self.

I had a text off Liam asking me to meet him so I did. 


"Court, have you been cheating on Louis?" he asked.

"No, I knew this was coming. Right look" I spoke as I pulled out the newspaper from my bag and showed him the page I was on.

"This man and these two children, he is my brother and they are his children, this man and his child is my best friends boyfriend, his children were ill and he didn't know what to do so he asked me for help. This man from last night is my friend he is gay. I did dance on poles, I did drink, I did sing and dance by the DJ and it was the best fun I had in years" I spat

"Woah, I was only asking love calm down" Liam giggled before looking at me. "Right I'm gonna get a hot chocolate want one and do you want me to get Tommy anything?" 

"I'm sorry Li. I'l have another one and no thank you he is asleep" I smiled then went on my phone on twitter. My interactions were going crazy.

'You're a slut'
'Why did you hurt him for?'

I was ignoring them well trying until I read one that shattered my heart.

'Your baby is a disgrace, you've trapped Louis! Your baby should've died at least you would suffer!'

A tear fell from my eye and landed on my phone. Liam walked out at that moment.

"Courtney? Are you crying?" he asked.

I kept looking down and let the tears fall. Liam lifted my head up. 

"Court what's wrong? What's happened?" he asked.

"I'm fed up of people saying disgusting things to me" I cried showing him the tweet.

"Babe ignore them, they are jealous, they don't know the truth. You have a healthy baby boy to worry about"

"That's it though Liam! I could've lost him! I lost one before and it was horrible!"

"You've been pregnant before?"

 I nodded then cried. Liam started hugging me then I calmed down.

"Who was the dad?" Liam asked. 

"It doesn't matter who the dad was, I didn't tell him anyway, he wouldn't of wanted the baby"

"Court. Louis told us that you had a fling at Christmas time before. Was Louis the dad?"

My heart raced, I didn't want to go through that feeling again. The pain, heartache and realizing some things through  that period of time was horrible. 

"Yes, Liam, the first time I was pregnant Louis was the dad"

"He doesn't know!?" Liam asked shocked.

"No! He was busy I just didn't tell him that I was pregnant at the time but when I was going to tell him I lost the baby so it just wasn't meant to be back then" I weakly smiled. 

"Right come with me" Liam said smiling.

I stood up and grabbed everything I needed and put it in the back of Tommy's pram. I pushed the pram round by Liam then we started walking.

We were walking down the path then we came to a sudden stop. Liam grabbed me and pulled me into the phone booth. 

"Sorry about that Court, paparazzi were coming towards us. We'll go take Tommy to rehearsals so we can escape them. Now wipe your mascara from your beautiful face" Liam smiled. 

I smiled then started wiping my face with my sleeve. Liam went into the baby bag and got a wet wipe and cleaned the make-up off me. 

"Thank You Li" I smiled hugging him. He started pushing Tommy and I walked next to them. 

I'm pregnant - One Direction fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now