Chapter 12

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"Lets meet for lunch?" I say, chewing on a pencil.
"Can't babe, work meeting." Zach says, his thoughts far away from our phone call.
"I can bring you something? You like that tuna pasta I make.."
"Sounds great. Look, I'll call you back."
He hangs up before I can protest. Someone is extra busy today. Lizzy moved to New York a year ago, maybe she'll keep me some company. Or get upset because I didn't tell her I was here.
The phone rings twice and then there's yelling.
"Uh hello?" I say, loudly.
"This is Lizzy speaking, who's calling?"
"Hey! Sorry about the noise, I'm going to divorce this man."
I laugh and she joins in.
"You here or something? This is a New York number."
"Uh I am..with a friend."
"Oh God, Danielle this isn't healthy."
"A new friend every three months or so. I'm not talking about just diseases but your emotions."
I sigh, maybe I shouldn't have called.
"Come on over, the boys are out back shooting damn targets. Hurry, I ain't too fond of the women here."
I laugh at the accent she puts on, "On the way, darlin'!"

The shots scary me. I put my car in park and wait for someone to save me or me to receive some godly strength.
Count to ten. 1...2...
A shot interrupts my deep breaths. I run to the door and let myself in. The country side of New York is nothing like I expected. I still expected city dwellings.
"Liz?!" I yell over the noise. This is not what I would expect of my two friends. They've gone insane.
"Danielle! You look great. I'm so happy to see you!" Liz hugs me extra tightly as I take in the other women. Hair tied up and dresses with floral print. Liz is wearing a blue and white romper. I look down at my grey leggings and black shirt. Obviously I didn't get the memo.
"Ladies, this is my friend, Danielle. This is Carlette, Hannah, and Michelle. June is upstairs." Liz says, smiling. I wave at them. I've never been good at introductions or anything for that matter.
"Those damn guns.." The Hannah girl mutters. Her hair is dirty blonde and she's so skinny it should hurt. I look away and start to dig for food in the cabinents. I can feel Liz shaking her head behind me.
"So Liz, tell me, how can I get that Joe to look at me?" Carlette asks, sipping ice tea. I pretend I'm not interested but I'm listening and Liz knows it.
"Honestly, he's not loo-"
"Don't give me that. That man needs him a gal like me..come on."
"He likes his girls short, dark hair, big in all the right places..and defiant."
Did she just describe me? I roll my eyes, grabbing the cheez-its.
"Now what does a 'gal', like you, want with Joe." I ask, stuffing my face. Liz steps on my toe and I hold in my groan.
"You ain't seen that man? He's a god. Just go look out there." She shoots back. I look at Liz, head down and guilty. How could she not tell me he was here?
I grab my cheez-it's and make my way to the back patio. The gun fires are so loud, you would think they were in the backyard. I walk a little ways and Luke comes into view.
"Awe Danielle! Those are mine.." He groans. A gun fire erupts and I drop some cheez-its. Luke erupts with laughter. My eyes involuntarily roll and I fill my cheeks with more. Mine now.
"When did you get here?"
"Been here, in New York, I mean."
I don't mention the friend, also a man who wants to marry me. I can't take another lecture.
"Well you look good, getting a bit bigger in the behind, fat ass."
I laugh, tossing cheez-its.
"Who is this spitfire?"
A chunky guy steps up beside Luke, giving my boobs a stare down. Glad I wore a bra.
"This is Danielle, my friend but more like a sister." Luke says.
"I'm Bubba, you a city gal?"
"Yeah, I'm guessing so. Nice to meet you." I mutter. Bubba, what the hell kinda name.
"You want a beer?" Bubba asks, handing me one regardless. I peel the lid back and drink it. Luke chuckles and shakes his head.
"I like a girl who drinks beer and not sweet tea."
I bust out laughing and Bubba looks embarrassed. Joe walks up to us, shirtless and sweating.
"What's the daily joke?"
I step into his line of view as soon as he finishes his sentence.
"I think she likes me." Bubba says, smiling. Joe and I bust into a fit of laughter. Bubba is the reddest I ever seen any man.
"Well we going inside or what?" Another man asks. Luke nods without doing an introduction.
"Its good to see you." Joe says, going in the opposite direction of everyone. The last time I seen him, I walked out and ended something. He let me.
"You're a hit around here. They are saying you look like a God."
I laugh and he shoots me a smile. I notice his lip ring is gone but he still looks good, better.
"Carlette say that? She's crazy as hell. I've been trying to run from her as much as possible."
"Oh don't act like that! You love when the gals chase you."
"Well the right one ain't chasing me. Stopped a long time ago."
I follow him back inside without actually replying. A simple nod that he can't even see.
I'm affected.

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