Chapter 22

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Zach left me to cake testing because of a work call but I promised to have dinner ready tonight. We need a night in with just us. I decorate the dinner table woth flowers, candles, and Zach's only matching dishware. I cooked roast and baked potatoes. Maybe we can talk and watch movies.
The door pops open and Zach waltz in, swaying a little. Drunk.
"Baby, I cooked." I say, smiling at him.
"T-thats nice. Lets e-eat. Or something."
Great. So much for talking.
I guide him to the table, a peachy perfume smell overbearing him. I know that perfume, I've smelled it too many times and that fragrance could never leave my mind. But where? Where have I smelled that?
"How was work?" I ask, taking a seat across from him.
"Boring. You know this is really good. Where'd you order it?"
"I-I cooked it."
"You cant cook, c'mon. Where did you order this. Dont be embarrassed."
I stare at him, completely furious. Coming here was a mistake. He keeps showing how much of a mistake this really is He's nothing like he is when we're at my house. I want to slap him. He leans in, the peachy smelling filling the air around us. We've been together this long and he could be cheating. That explains so much.
"Lets have sex."
I shake my head no. He tries to stand up, failing twice.
"I said, lets have sex. Thats what I want to do."
I dont move. Im annoyed with his actions and refuse to play games.
"Who were you with tonight?" I ask, standing up.
"N-no one, baby, sex. Im hard."
He grabs my arm and tries to pull me. I refuse to let him dominate me or even hit me. I snatch away but his grip is tight. He feels on me and I push tears back so I can pull away. My arms and legs too weak against his strength.
"Don't fight this, baby, I want you. Youwantme?"
His words smash together. He pulls out his member, forcing me towards him. I yank away with more strength. He stumbles as I back away.
Before I can turn away to leave, he's on top of me. Im crying and fighting. He's stronger.
I wiggle and squirm but he slides in, aggressively. Im screaming but his hand is over my mouth. He doesnt care. He kisses my tears, continuing end and out of me.
"I l-love you." He breathes. I shake my head and scream. Joe crowds my memory. Why am I thinking about him, right now. Where is he to save me? He hasnt saved me in awhile.

Minutes later, Zach pulls out. He spits on the floor, disgust all over his face.
"Lana was better than this."
Lana. Thats that peachy sent. Its as if she can never leave my memory. I want to puke. He begins to pee on the floor beside me. Im dirty. Filthy. Disgusting. I empty my stomach on the floor.
"Clean that up. Wash before we get in bed."
I lay still as he walks off. I have to leave, go anywhere but here. I need Joe.

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