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Neil Petrilisky.

The beautiful, blue eyed, black hair, hunk of a football player is the special sir who has a place in my heart. I was supposed to be starting my AP Lit homework, but, honestly, how could one do their homework when this god is within a ten feet range. People might say otherwise, but I highly put my opinion that Neil is far better looking physically and personality wise, than Colt. Then, again, no one would agree with me. 

Do you ever get a weird crush on someone that's not even attractive, but you're just attracted to them and you don't know why. That is me and Nick's relationship. He isn't know to be one of those hot guys girls drool over like 

Football practices are intense. First, they're longer than the other sports. Second, they're more harder and require more physical strength. Third, Coach Simmons is scary as hell. But, I'd trade my mom for him any day. 

The players were nonstop running and doing push-ups: two things I cannot stand to do in life. I darted my eyes to Colt who was in the front line running in place like a maniac. They'd run in place, then the coach would blow his whistle and they'd drop to the ground to do mountain climbers. They were dripping sweat; most girls would think its attractive, but personally I think it's gross. But, you know who makes it look good.

"Alright, enough!" the Coach finally told them to stop. 

The poor boys cranked their necks and held their lower back, slowly rising from the pain. But, just as soon as they got their luxury, the coach told them to run three laps around the field. 

"Three laps!" an angry boy with a bright red face yelled, "That's so gay!"

I scoffed at his dirty mouth. To my surprise, the other players did too, and so did the coach. I figured it must have been the worst decision to piss of Coach Simmons, and, boy, was I right.

"Six laps for you, Ted, have fun!" Coach yelled, "Learn proper insults because that's not one."

Ted kept his head down and ran behind the group in shame. I turned my head to watch Nick run with ease leading the group, and in front of Colt, too. After their two hour warm up, they practiced drills and plays for the next two hours, and at 7:05 their hell was over. God, if I was one football, I'd kill myself.

The boys ran to the locker room, and I gathered my books and supplies to meet devil whom I made a deal with near the entrance of the parking lot. He ran out with his brown locks dripping from his hair, and a towel wrapped around his neck. He spent another twenty minutes talking to friends, and if he didn't see me sooner, I would have left him here to take a taxi. 

"Hey, sorry!" he ran to me, "Kev was telling me about a party this weekend, it's gonna be so lit-"

"Honestly," I interrupted him, "I couldn't care less."

He rolled his eyes and jumped into my car. I plugged my phone into the aux cord to charge it, but didn't turn on the music because I know Colt wouldn't share the same amazing music taste as me. 

"Let me see this," he unplugged my phone without permission and put his on.

"Hey!" I declared and tried to grab it from him, but he scolded me to keep both hands on the wheel. Then, I scolded him back for not putting on his seatbelt. 

"My playlist is fire*," he ensured me. I rolled my eyes as he pressed his rap playlist. 

Here's the thing. It's not that I have anything against rap and hip-hop, it's just not my style. He put on Drake's new album that every single male in our school has been listening too. I am proud to say I haven't listened to one song. He must have noticed my disinterest because he groaned and played a different playlist.

"You know, most people think my playlist is fire," he reminded.

"I'm not most people," I reminded back.

"Clearly," he muttered under his breathe.

Baby Got Back blared through the speakers, and I gripped the wheel. I am so close to throwing him out of my car. The song ended and MC Hammer came on shuffle next. That was when I draw the line. Thankfully, I pulled up on a red light, and I grabbed the aux cord, and pushed in my phone.

"Your playlist sucks ass," I spit not minding my language.

Unknown indie artists began to play, and I saw Colt's eyes pop out of his head. I can see his hands reaching for my phone but i hid it under my leg to prevent him from grabbing. He was practically begging to change the song, but I refused. His annoying pleads pulled me to put on classic 80s and 90s music. No Doubt came on first, and Colt practically screamed.

"First, indie and now oldies," he snatched the aux cord, "No thank you, Miss Autumn West."

Some rapper I never heard spat out curse words every sentence, and I couldn't handle the impossible music. I leaned over and tried to snatch the cord from his hand only to swerve my wheel and nearly hit another car. In the moment, Colt dropped his phone and grabbed the wheel to put the car back into the right lane.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Colt screamed, "You almost got us killed!"

"No, your music almost got us killed," I corrected and kept my eyes on the road the rest of the way home. 

The twenty five minute car trip was silent, an awkward silence. Colt stared at the window to watch whatever nature scene there is in Northern Virginia. I calmed my grip from the wheel, and put my phone back on charge the way it should have been in the school parking lot. 

I pulled into our suburban town with big houses that are only on our side of the highway. I was close to his home when Colt decided to open up his big fat mouth.

"Why don't you like rap?"

"I don't feel like answering that question," I grumbled.

"Someone is angry," he muttered under his breathe.

I don't know why I keep snapping at Colt, it's not like he is being a jerk, and I am the one who wanted to reconcile after years. It must be my nervousness or maybe the grudge of ending our friendship so young. Either way, the old Autumn wouldn't have acted this way.

I pulled into the driveway and unlocked his car signaling him to get out ASAP.

"There is a theory," he turned around to say more words (in which, I groaned in annoyance), "Which states, that if every anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

"Have a good night, Colt Stern."

He closed the door and before I could back out of his driveway he opened the door again. He must have forgotten something.

"Neil Petrilisky, huh?" he smirked, "You know, I am the best matchmaker ever. I gotchu-"


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