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"Just one more!" my mother snapped about five more pictures with the camera light flashing in Colt's and my eyes.

Today is the big day. Since the day Colt came up with this master plan, all led up to this very moment. This is the day I finally get my part of the deal and the day I finally partake in homecoming the way that will excite and please my mother.

I never seen her so happy. She woke me up early, and we did our hair and nails together. She did my makeup using her fancy and brandy, expensive tools. I practically spent the whole day with her without wanting to kill her. For once, we bonded, and it didn't feel like she was a nagging mom, but more like a sister, or a friend. Seeing how excited she was made me excited, and I can't wait to see what the hype of a school dance is all about, especially since I'll have Colt by my side to assure I have a night to remember.

"Bring her back by midnight," father attempted to stay sternly to scare Colt a little, but we all know he's not serious.

Colt really cleaned up nicely. He had on this cologne that smelled really good too. He wore a black tie and a black suit and black shoes, and his hair was up in a quiff, instead of fringed from practice. Colt had asked me a few days before over and over again the color of my dress to match with his ties, but I refused- I thought it was kind of corny to be super match-y like that.

My mother wanted to take a hundred pictures so she can send it in her girl friend group chat, I'm sure to compete with whose daughter looked the best and had the most handsome date. I doubt I was the prettiest, but I'm sure I must have the most good-looking date.

"You look nice, Autumn" Colt gave his award winning smile as soon as we walked outside. I'm sure sex is nice, but hearing someone you like say your name is absolutely ten times better.

"Thanks, you too," I muttered awkwardly back. I'm not sure why I feel out of breathe right now. Perhaps it's the fact that one of the most popular guys at school is taking me to the dance. Sure, he doesn't like me the way I like him, but any girl knows it's truly an honor to be taken to the dance by Colt Stern.

Colt was unsuccessful in getting his father's permission to use the car for just one day, so I'm still driving us around for the dance. Well, first we were planning on meeting the rest of Colt's group at Bonefish, the seafood restaurant close to the high school.

"I'm the worst," Colt laughed when we entered my car, "I can't even drive you to our school dance, I'm sorry. If you want I'll drive your car?"

"Hell no!" I responded too quickly and protectively, "No one can drive Steve."

"Jeez, alright then," Colt laughed and connected the aux cord to his phone without asking, but what's new. "Tonight will be one of those nights you will never forgot."


"Yes ma'am."

Post Malone's album blasted the whole car ride. We didn't talk at all, we just sang along to every song, including the verses and chorus- every word. Colt rolled both our windows down, and both our hair was probably ruined and frizzy, but neither of us cared. Once in a while, I'd look away from the road and just stare at Colt briefly, watching him so carefree and smile so sweetly and innocently. I passed our old elementary school as I got on Route 28 to the restaurant. It's hard to believe he and I were once little toddlers in elementary school competing with each other in writing class to being each other's homecoming dates senior year of high school. If someone had told me that Colt would one day sit in my car, in a suit, singing the words to Better Now by Post Malone on the way to a school dance, I wouldn't have believed them. But, here we are.

"Right there!" Colt pointed to the fancy restaurant with a big, blue fish on the front of the building.

I parked pretty far since there was absolutely no parking near the front. Colt jumped out of the car before I could take the keys out of the ignition. I shook my head and giggle, getting ready to open the door for myself, but Colt beats me to it.

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