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Her lips was on his, and he did not push away. He held her blonde pony tail in his hands and traced it, while he laced his arms on her hips and pulled her close. Holly paralleled his moves and cupped his delicate head in her hands as she kissed him as hard as he could. Char held my hand, but I couldn't move my eyes away. So, I left. I slipped away from the drunk, rude teenagers as they cheered for Colt, or the game, or maybe just to be loud.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Colt watch me and quickly breaks away from her, but it only prompted me to walk faster. I jumped over the gate to the tennis courts and sat in the middle of it and sobbed. I was being pretty pathetic, but I could not help it. I liked him a lot, and I thought he he did too, but he lied; that's all he does, he is a fuckboy that lies.

There's two types of anger. One is dry where your face is like stone and your voice is sharp. The other is basically wet anger when your eyes water and your voice shakes. I hate that because i feel weak when i'm crying while angry. I guess were anger shows you care too much and dry anger means you're done. I rub the wetness in my eyes before Colt can see how much I care.

"Autumn," I heard a whisper. I peeked from my arms and saw Colt in his big jersey with his helmet in his hands and panting for air. He glows under the tennis court lights, like an angel almost. I hate that. 

He squats besides me, but I refused to let him touch me. There were so many words I wanted to shout and screech at him, but all I found the confident to do was get up and leave, like I should have done a long time go. I should have never accepted his deal and give him rides, I should have never spoken to him, I should have avoided him and spare the sadness and heartbreak I'm dealing with now.

"I feel small," Colt says first. I'm so angry, too angry, I can't move or say anything to him. I silently sit still. 

"I bet the stars do too," he sighs.

Him and his stupid philosophy. 

"I didn't mean to," he grazed my arm with his finger so slightly, my arms shivered, but I swiftly ignored the movement and kept walking.

"Oh, so her lips accidentally touched yours, and yours accidentally crashed into hers?" I scoffed, "Ok, Colt."

"Why do you care?" he crossed his arms, "It's not like we're together. We haven't even talked recently. You stopped driving me, anyway."

I stop where I stand. Colt has no right to snap at me with all he has done to me. I decided now is the time to stop holding my tongue. I am done containing my anger towards Colt. 

"You know my feelings Colt!" I'm practically screaming, "I told you how I felt. I told you I liked you. God, how could I be so stupid!"

"You're the one that stopped talking to me after homecoming!" Colt raises his voice, dropping his helmet in his hands.

"I did you a favor."

"How?" Colt steps forward, "Why would I want you to stop talking to me."

"Because you only talk to me because you feel bad for me!"

"Where, for fucks sake, did you hear something like that. Autumn, I-"

"I'm not your personal driver. I'm not your servant that you call and beck for to drive you whenever. Sure, we made a deal. I keep my promises. But, I drove you for two months, and my end of the deal was a one day thing. I didn't even mind driving you, honestly. Up until you started seeing me as someone you can use  and someone you just took to homecoming because you felt bad for me. You should've just gone with Holly-"

"Autumn, shut the fuck up!" Colt is angry. He rubs his face with his hand and groans. 

"Excuse me?"

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