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The football state championships game is this weekend, and it's a very important game for Colt. Not only are Notre Dame scouts coming to watch the game, but this is the senior's last year to win a state championship. Most importantly, after this game, Colt will really not have any reason to talk to me. He won't need to ask me for rides anymore- not that he has been recently anyway. Ever since he came to my house and left, we haven't spoken a single word. Things went back to the way it was before. I sat on my phone pretending to scroll through something, while Colt had his hoodie over his head as he responds to the text messages on his constantly vibrating phone.

Part of me wants to wish him luck for the big game coming up or ask him how he's been getting home. Another parts of me stays silent because I'm just too stubborn. The bell rings, and Colt immediately jumps out of class. When I walk out, I see him talking to his football friends, not seeming the slightest bit of upset. Of course with the game, that's all his mind should be on, but I just wonder if he still thinks of me ever.

The school day ends, but I stayed behind after school to tutor two freshmen in algebra. I need to finish up my volunteer hours before I graduate. One of the student goes home, but the other is still struggling- and they have a big test tomorrow. Feeling bad, I stayed another two hours with her until she finally understood all the concepts. She smiled and gave me the tightest hug and ran to kiss and ride where her mother was waiting for her. That warmed my heart- nothing can ruin my mood. But, I spoke too soon.

The sun begins to set at 7pm. The only cars left in the parking lot are athletes, a few teachers and mine. I go to the senior lot and open my bag, jumbling and searching for my car keys. At this point, I'm standing next to my car, taking out everything in my bag, desperately looking for my car keys attached to a keychain with my name on it.

"Autumn?" I heard a voice from the distance call me, "Autumn!"

I slowly turn around and saw a figure walking towards me. As it got closer, I realized the figure is wearing gray sweatpants and a navy sweatshirt with Notre Dame written on it. Realizing who it is, I panic and turn my backpack upside down, dumping the remaining contents on the gravel. I'm shuffling through my notebooks and trash trying to find my keys, but it's still no where to be found. It's too late, Colt is standing next to me now.

I sigh and lift myself up from the pavement. In front of me, I see Colt with a glowing expression. Even during sunset, what's left of the sun is shining perfectly on his skin. In his right hand, I see my black keys and the keychain of my name.

"I found it near the school entrance," he hands it to me, "You must have dropped it."

I muttered a small thanks and begin to clean up the ground. He kneeled down with me and gathered all the junk that came from my bag and handed it to me. I muttered another small thanks, but don't look him in the eye.

I expect Colt to ask me for a ride, but instead he nods his head and walks away. My chest stings. What if he found another girl to drive him home? I shake my head. We both live much farther than every one else, there's no way anyone would be willing to drive him south of town then back up north. Unless that girl is his girlfriend she would. I shake my head again. It's none of my business anymore who Colt talks to. He broke my heart twice, and it's my fault I thought a guy like him would be into me. I can't forget this.

I put the car in drive and make my way to the school exit. From afar I see Colt sitting on the curb by himself. The field is empty- he seems to be the only football player left. His head in his right hand, while the other holds his phone. I forget about the times he hurt me for a second and without thinking I drive towards him and roll my windows down.

"Colt, are you alright?" I call from inside my car.

He looks up from his phone. He looks almost shocked. He must be surprised I went out of my way to talk to him. I'm surprised too.

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