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"My date has a Porsche."

"My date is captain of the lacrosse team."

"Well, mine is captain of the basketball team."

"Lacrosse is more relevant than basketball."

"It's a stick throwing a ball to another stick. Basketball requires skills."

"Who fucking cares, my date lives in mansion."

"Well, my date has three dogs"

"What about yours Autumn?"

I just stared blankly at the four girls, Maria, Heather, Rose, and Shelby Piper. They spent the last ten minutes arguing with each other on who had the best homecoming date. In my opinion, I thought Shelby P. had the best date, I mean he has three dogs. Maria's date sounds like a rich douche and Heather's and Rose's sound exactly the same just different sports team. I like basketball better though, so I'd say Rose wins that argument. The two fight constantly anyway. They're sophomores, so what would you expect anyway. Maria and Shelby P. are juniors in high school, so I'm the oldest. Yet, I'm the most anti-social of the bunch.

"Uh, my date is quarterback of the football team." 

"Lame," Maria muttered and dramatically took a sip from her smoothie.

I picked at my frozen yogurt and trailed behind the girls. As soon as my mom found out I had a date, she called all her best friends in their little group to set us up on a shopping trip. Everyone met up at my house because I lived the closest to the large city mall. I had to buy shoes too, and I advocated for flats, but Rose and Heather insisted on buying me high heels, so I'm currently carrying a black pair of three-inch heels in a giant shopping bag. 

Shelby P. found her dress first at the only store at the mall that sold southern type clothes. Rose picked out a red dress that had a flowered pattern top, shocker. Maria was being picky at every single dress claiming they all made her look chubby and didn't show enough cleavage. Heather insists on looking for a dress with the exact shade of heather purple. Me, on the other hand, am just looking for a dress that's not too open and revealing. 

We barely talked to each other at all. We all knew that this is all just a show for our moms to be out of our hair to hang out together. We only talked when we'd say that we liked a dress or shoe or didn't like it. Sometimes the others would brag about their date. I've only told them that Colt is quarterback and is in my AP Government class. I don't know what type of car Colt used to drive or whether he has any pets, which made me realize I don't know much about him at all, but only the little things. I know his parents fight a lot at home and he's much smarter in class than he makes himself out to be. I know he likes to say jokes, listen to rap, and watch comedy shows. I know he cried when he watched the first few minutes of Up and his favorite movies are Remember the Titans, Saving Private Ryan, and The Godfather. I know when he's nervous he has a habit of tapping his hands on a surface in a rapid manner and when he's happy he can never sit still. I know he prefers mustard over ketchup and prefers to do push-ups rather than sit-ups. I know someday he wants to go to Australia to see a kangaroo up close and he might get a football scholarship from Notre Dame to play football. It's the little things like this that I want to keep to myself and never tell anyone. I always wonder if there are some facts about Colt he has only ever told me and the idea that he would have only shared a part of himself with me is something I'd want to treasure.

"Can you shut your damn phone off?" Maria scowled at Heather.

"Mom is so annoying, I'm sorry," Heather muttered.

"Yea, she sucks," Rose rolled her eyes, "I'm not talking with her right now."

"Why? Thought you loved your flower-obsessed mother," Maria smirked and took another dramatic sip from her drink, finishing it off. 

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