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"Shit, I left my whole backpack in the locker room," Colt stared at me after his practice. In fact, this was the only thing he said to me since last Thursday. I didn't drive Colt home on Friday because he just hung around with his teammates before the game, which I didn't even go to. All in all, the tension between us was extremely eminent. 

"Can you please get it for me," Colt asked stupidly, "Please, please. I'm so exhausted, I can't walk back there." I think I almost saw him smile, almost.

I stared at him frustrated for a whole minute. First he accidentally drags me to the see the guy I like ask someone else to homecoming, then kisses me, tells me he has to take someone else to homecoming, tries to convince me that someone else is going to ask me, now he is expecting me to walk across the parking lot, to the boys locker room to get his fucking backpack. First of all, what dumb ass leaves their backpack at school. Secondly, it's bad enough that I am still driving this asshole around like a chauffeur when I did not even get my end of the deal. Third of all, all of my mom's high school buddies' daughters officially got asked to homecoming and my mom expects me to find a date this week, so I can go shopping with them this Saturday.

All in all, this week fucking sucked.

"Listen, Colt," I grunted between my teeth, "We need to talk about this deal. I am not driving you around anymore, you can either take the bus or use an Uber, quiet frankly, I don't care. I am not your servant to go and fetch your backpack."

"Autumn, please," he begged, "please, I'm sorry about the homecoming thing. I already told you that I'm going to fix this for you-"

"I'm not a charity case!" I let out angrily. All this bitterness I've held in for four days slowly began to creep out.

"I'm not saying you are!" Colt spat back, "Please, Autumn, for Christ's sake."

"No," I pressed my foot down.

"Fine!" Colt exhaled, "I promise today will be the last day you drive me, just please!"

"Fine, for fuck's sake!" I cursed at him and stomped away from him towards the school.

I knew Colt can sometimes be a little self centered, but I have never seen him this egoistical and rude. He always treats girls nicely and acts all gentlemen-like; I guess I am his exception and I don't deserve the kind of respect and care he gives to the rest of the girls.

I finally stepped inside the school and slowly walked to the locker room, taking my sweet time. I promise today will be the last day you drive me. That voice repeated in my head the whole walk. As much as Colt pissed me off today, I do not want to not drive him. His company the past few weeks really grown on me, and I would drive him for the whole year if I could. Some days he would be so drained out that he would lay his head against the window and sleep. Not going to lie, he is a cute sleeper- the way his eye brows always crinkled together. Some days he would still be pumped and play some trap music at blast and sing terribly and loud along to the lyrics, distracting me as much as possible. Other days he would be exhausted and just share with me some of his arbitrary wisdom. He once told me: "I wonder whose arms I would run into, if I was drunk in a room with every girl I have ever been with it."

I reached the locker room and just walked in not caring that I'm technically not allowed in. I wondered, too. If I was drunk in a room with Neil and Colt who would I choose? There were characteristics and little things I liked about both. The way that Neil's eyes sparkled, his laugh, and the way he's attentive. But, Colt's smile really tops. 

Colt is goofy, but sometimes he cares and notices the little things I do. He reminds me to eat if I forget or when I feel off from a bad day, he always asks if I'm alright- almost everyday. I even like the way that Colt curses, the way he act tough on the field, and the way he cares about school instead of being another football player using his sport as an excuse to turn in homework late or miss a test. Most of all, I like his presence next to me whenever I drive home and without him there, I would feel empty.

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