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I usually looked forward to sitting with Colt in AP Literature every morning. With the deal, we actually became pretty close. I liked helping him understand the books we read and edit his essays, and he liked crack jokes about the books we read to make me smile. Unlike the first day, he doesn't spend class scrolling through his phone or attempt not to fall asleep- he seemed to truly care about learning.

Today, I dread going to class and I absolutely do not care to see him. I decide to pull a Colt and pull out my phone to pretend to scroll through my social media feed, which isn't much considering it's 8am in the morning. From the corner of my eye I see Colt walk into the classroom. He is wearing grey sweatpants and a navy sweatshirt that says South Wood Football in gold. I quickly look back to my phone and switch from Instagram to Snapchat, so I can seem like I do not want to be bothered. I look at the time on my phone. Three more minutes until class starts. Usually Colt plops down and tells me stories about football or life at home and I do the same. I never have as interesting stories to contribute, but I enjoy listening. Except today, I'm not talking to him. If he only sees me as a charity case, I'm just going to do him a favor and end it for him.

"You will never believe what Jay did this morning," Colt plopped in the seat next to me.

As curious as I was, I bit inside my cheeks and nonchalantly continued to scroll through my feed.

"Did I do something?" Colt scooted closer to me. His cologne scent is really strong. "You haven't been responding to my texts or calls."

It's true, I ignored them all. I ignored all his drunk texts the night of homecoming after I left:

Colt: autunmk whrd dd u GO

Colt: chrs say he saw u leve 

Colt: fck i cany typw

Colt: im sry if i ruibed ur nighy

Colt: u wre relly prety today

Colt: i ruimed it ddn i

Colt: hw am i gonnnaaa get hooooome

Missed Call from Colt Stern 2:43 a.m

Colt: cn u answerrrRR

Missed Call from Colt Stern 2:45 a.m.

Colt: finne ill figure this on my own

Colt: im sowy

Colt: you mean a lot to me

I ignored his texts when he finally woke up Sunday afternoon:

3:02 p.m

Colt: jeez my texts were cringe last night im sorry

Colt: i went too ham at the party so i get why you left. are you ok?

Colt: also is your mom finally out of your hair lol

6:16 p.m.

Colt: Yo are you ok actually? Did something happen yesterday?

 I ignored all three of his calls after that. 

Missed Call from Colt Stern 6:31pm

Missed Call from Colt Stern 6:34pm

Missed Call from Colt Stern 8:16pm

By 9pm, he sent one last text and finally gave up:

Colt: Drunk me was telling the truth. You do mean a lot to me. See you tomorrow.

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