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"Four tickets for LaLaLand please."

My eyes stayed locked with Neil since he picked me up from my house and drove us to the theater. Of course, the moment was ruined when he had to pick up Colt and his date, as well, since Colt still cannot drive. Neil's ocean eyes matched his ocean blue polo and his raven dark hair matched his black shorts. He was just mesmerizing to watch. In fact, throughout the whole movie, I'd probably stare at his jawline rather than Ryan Gosling on screen.

"Want any candy?" Neil smirked at me. With my short height and his tall one, it was inevitable that I had to crank my neck up to smile at him.

"I really like watermelon sour candy."

"No way?" Neil laughed and grabbed two bags, "Those are my favorite!"

"Mine too!" Colt remarked, although it's unsure whether he was mocking us or being genuine. Nevertheless, he handed a bag to Lacy who expressed her dislike for candy, but kept it anyways to please the football player.

I sat between Colt and Neil, though the seating was awkward for Colt was already cuddling and flirting with Lacy, and Neil just stuffed his mouth with candy and proceeded to watch the movie. My stomach felt sick from the cuddling to my left and the ignorance on my right. I moved an inch closer to Neil to attract his attention, but his eyes were glued on Emma Stone. I sighed at the awkwardness of this "date", and figured that Neil was not even aware of Colt's plan.

"Psst, Autumn," Colt whispered in my ear and repeatedly tapped my shoulders as if they were drums, "Come with me to get more popcorn?"

"Go with Lacy," I rolled my eyes.

"Please," he muttered between his teeth.

I groaned quietly and followed the giant out of the theater to the popcorn stand. I stood a feet behind him while he handed the employee his bag of popcorn to refill. I saw his hands turn into fists as he stuffed them in his pockets, avoiding eye contact with me. 

"What's you problem? You're the one that dragged me out of the theater, and now you won't even look at me."

He grabbed the bag and paced to the butter station. I watched him pound the red button and load the bag full of greasy butter.

"Prick," I muttered.

"Me? A prick?" he finally let go of the butter button.

"Yes, you!"

"What do you think of Neil?" he changed the subject.

"He's nice," I told him honestly, "I like him."

"Like as in, 'yea, he's a good person', or like as in, 'i'd date him'," he pushed.

I scoffed at his intrusive attitude. All the signs were pointing to jealousy. He drags me out of the theater, and then he's angry at me and refuses to look at me, and now he's picking at me and Neil's relationship. But, there is no way he could be jealous when his elbow kept poking at my sides in the theater because of his little make out session.

I really liked Neil, though. He had a beautiful smile and he looked at me in the eyes when we spoke. Every word he said made my heart flutter, and that's when you know you like someone. Who knew mother's homecoming stubbornness could lead me to maybe a potential boyfriend.

"You know, if I'm not mistaken, I'd think you're a little jealous," I teased.

"Me?" he laughed, "I'm the one who set y'all up!"

"I don't know," I sing songed and grabbed the bag from his hands to eat for myself.

Colt tried talking some more to defend his case, but I really just scoffed and went back to the theater so this date could end. I knew he wasn't jealous, I just liked to tease him. Regretfully, the second I opened the theater door, my eyes laid on Neil and Lacy making out. I gagged. Seriously. 

Route 28Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon