Fairytale Reality

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A/N: So this is my first time I've ever written a novel before. Please tell me what you think! This story means a lot to me so I hope you enjoy it! A picture of Aria (Lucy Hale)on the right

Dedicated to the one guy who saw “best friend ”tattooed on my forehead and wanted to become something more.

Chapter 1

“Have I gone mad?”

“I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers, but I’ll tell you a secret… all the best people are.” – Alice in Wonderland

            “ I need Barbie dolls!”

            “ Excuse me?” I choked out a laugh. The image of Dr. M, a sixty-year-old bald college director asking for Barbie dolls.

            “ I do! I have every other toy and knick knack in here, I need Barbie dolls…girls like those.”

            “ Yes…I guess we do,” Jamie looked at me and giggled as she tucked one of her gold curls behind her ear. I loved how this was just another normal conversation in Dr. M’s office. He was right though, his room was filled with Chucky dolls, Star Wars figurines, I mean even the Jersey shore made its way into the far right corner of the room.

            “ So I’m going to put you two in charge of that. Anyway…since you ladies have been in college for two weeks now have you found any guys that have caught your eye?” He lowered his glasses and glanced at the two of us. Jamie and I looked at each other. A faint blush painted her cheeks that I’m sure mine mirrored as well.

            “ Well I already have a boyfriend…he actually goes here too. He’s just not in the Honor’s Program.” Answered Jamie who then turned to look at me. Dr. M also sat there looking like a teenage girl waiting for the gossip. I gave a little grin, wishing I could answer the way Jamie did.

            “ Well…not so far Dr. M, but I’ll definitely keep my eyes peeled.” I gave a quick nod like a soldier agreeing to a command.

            Dr. M started laughing. “Then Aria, I will definitely have to keep my eyes peeled too!”

One Week Later

            Jamie and I walked into the Honor’s Program looking forward to another comical chat with Dr. M, but another guy was already in his office. He looked so familiar. Then it hit me, writing class. He sat behind me or something.

            “ Aria! Jamie! Come on in and join the party!” Dr. M’s voice jerked me from my thoughts. I looked over to see him waving for us to enter. Jamie and I walked in and sat down in the chairs behind the mystery guy.

“ Just the girls I always want to see! Have you two met Ash?”

            “ Yea I have…we actually have our writing class together.” Ash turned around and that’s when I first noticed his sapphire eyes. A smile grew on his lips as he looked at me; then glanced over at Jamie.

            “ Ash Miada.”

            “ Jamie Fernandez”

            “ Well I hope Ash here is on his best behavior, and didn’t scare you!” joked Dr. M.

            “ Oh yea he terrified me!” I laughed.

            “ Sorry I’ll try really hard not to do that next time.” I was impressed he could play along; some people didn’t get my humor. Ash leaned over and grabbed his bag. He smiled at me again with such kindness and sincerity. He didn’t break eye contact with me for what seemed like a minute. I’ve never stared at someone’s eyes for so long, I usually have to look away when talking to people because looking directly at them is awkward for me. “ It was nice meeting you, but I really have to run. I’ll see you in class I guess.” With that Ash left the office.

            Meeting Ash seemed to drift into the back of my memory, as the rest of the day seemed long and boring. Now I had to sit and wait for my writing professor, the last class keeping me from going home.  I tried to entertain myself by writing a “to do” list of homework and projects to be completed

            “ I didn’t scare you this time did I? I’m trying to work on that.” I looked up to see Ash standing in front of my desk and smiling. He had short black hair, not shaved but still not past his eyebrows. It hung in no organized manner. His sapphire eyes either seemed to sparkle naturally or maybe it was the fluorescent lights. He had a little black goatee on his chin. His face was like a perfect oval shape. His arms were thin but still had toned muscle shape to them, as did the rest of his body. He was about six inches taller than me, which was normal because mostly everyone was taller than me. His smile slowly faded at first when he realized I didn’t get what he was saying.

            “ Oh! Yea…no you didn’t scare me ha ha I’m safe!” embarrassed that I didn’t get our little joke.

            “ Ok that’s good I wouldn’t want to scare anybody.” Ash’s grin returned he then sat down at the empty desk next to me.

The Next Day

Jamie and I were hanging out in the HP, Honor’s Program it’s so cute how everyone just designated that as the nickname kind of like that show the OC, talking to one of the other students. We were listening to her talk about school supplies, well Jamie was more than I was, my mind started to drift and my eyes were looking around. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Ash waving through the glass door of the computer room. I raised my hand and waved back. How long had he been waving at me and trying to get my attention? I really needed to control this zoning out thing around him…he’s going to think I’m a freak. Well if he didn’t think that already.

Later that day Jamie and I had to run to our class, literally run because someone thought it was a good idea to give us ten minutes to make it to the opposite side of the campus. We just seemed to make it, but the rest of the class looked like they were already here. As we flew through the door I saw Ash, right in the front row and talking to a group of people. He must have seen me from the corner of his eye, or maybe it was my not so graceful entrance of yanking the door open and bolting into the room. Either way he stopped talking to the group of people, smiled, and waved me over to him.

“ Hey so we have this class together too? That’s cool! How has your day been?” He pointed for me to sit in the seat two chairs away from him; the one next to him had a bag already on it. I sat down and noticed Jamie took the seat two rows away.

“ Um…it’s…it’s been good. I’m just tired right now. We practically sprinted over.” I hated that I was panting because I was trying not to look as flustered as I was really feeling right now.

“ Oh wow! Where did you come from?”

“ Building 1 and we had to make it here to building 9…not such an easy task in ten minutes.” I smiled and gave a breathy laugh.

“ Yea I bet…well-”

“ Class take your seats and stop talking!” announced the professor as he walked into the room. He started talking about the syllabus and I really tried to pay attention, but I kept getting the feeling like I was being watched. I looked to my left and saw Ash was looking at me when he noticed I caught him he smiled; I couldn’t help but smile back.

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