Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

“It was difficult to believe that I hadn’t just imagined what Edward had said, and the way his eyes had looked. Maybe it was just a very convincing dream that I’d confused with reality. That seemed more probable than that I really appealed to him on any level.”


“I’m so happy you are coming to the Christmas program!” I gave Ash’s arm a little hug.

“Yea I’m really excited!”

“Well I have to tell you something first…unfortunately I have to be there earlier to practice, so you are going to have to go to my house and meet the family by yourself.” I was completely cringing over this. It was the first time my whole family was going to meet any boy I’ve ever brought home, well Ash was the first, but I wouldn’t be there to run interference. I could just picture my uncle interrogating Ash about dating me, or my grandfather making boyfriend jokes. God he was never going to talk to me again!

“Ok. I think I’ll manage.” He couldn’t be any sweeter if he tried.

“I’m so sorry…I wish I could be there, but my mom will be there to help you.”

“I think I’ll be fine…but thanks.”

After the Program

There he was in a blue button down dress shirt and black dress pants…his sapphire eyes were just glowing.

“So you survived my family.”

“Yes…yes I did. They are very entertaining, not bad at all.”

“Did you like the program?”

“Yea I did…especially the guitar!”

That night we all went out for dinner and Ash got to hang out with my loud family a little bit longer…he looked like he had a ball.

When we got to my house Ash drove me to my friends house so I could pick up my car, I had car pooled to the program. We listened to some of his songs he created. I started humming to them, thinking of possible lyrics.

“Come on sing it out!”

“What? No I don’t know any lyrics I was just thinking”

“Let me hear it anyway please!”

I just hummed louder and said a couple words at times, but his smile just got larger and larger. I stopped singing when I began to blush.

“Don’t be embarrassed…your voice is beautiful.”

We pulled into my neighbor’s driveway right next to my car; nobody was home yet so the moon was the only light outside. I heard my seat belt click off.

“Did you just unbuckle me?”

“Yes I did whatcha gonna do about it? Hey don’t open the door this time.”

“Oh I’m going to!” Then I heard the car door lock shut and I saw Ashe open his door and get out of the car.

“Did you just lock me in the car?”

“Yes I did!” he laughed as he turned to face me then he shut his door. He ran around the front of the car to my side. I saw him take out his car keys and unlock my door. He opened it and stood there with his hand out waiting for me to take it.

“Wow such a gentleman! I’m so impressed!”

“Hey I try. Car keys please.” I reached into my purse and took out my car keys and willingly placed them in his outstretched hand. He walked over to my car, unlocked it, and opened the door. I wish he meant it when he kissed me cause then I could look back and see someone who loved me but I can only go back and see someone who used me.

“Thank you…for everything. You know coming and hanging out with me and my family.”

“I had a great time!” Ash was just watching me and smiling. We held our gaze for a while; there weren’t any words just smiles. There didn’t need to be any words, for the first time I could just have some guy stare at me and it didn’t make me nervous at all, I just didn’t want to look away. If I didn’t know any better I’d think he was going to kiss me, at least that’s what my optimistic brain was fantasizing about right now. It would be just like a movie when the leading guy kisses the heroine, but lets face it my life wasn’t exactly a movie.

After that was midterms and Christmas break. Ash and I would text everyday and what I mean by that was we would start from when we woke up in the morning until one of us fell asleep.

Ash: I have to tell u something. Remember that day when we talked about how I didn’t want to have a relationship cuz of my past ones and the long distance things? Well those were walls I put up trying to keep people out and getting myself hurt. I have to admit that I haven’t been able to get u out of my head.

Me: I haven’t been able to get you out of my head either

Ash:J I miss u. we should go to the movies next week. If u want.

Me: I want to. I miss you too.

Ash: u are breaking down my walls aria and I’m really happy u are…u don’t even know how happy.

This had to be a dream. Someone should have pinched me because this was a miracle. A guy that I have extreme feelings for likes me back. We went as a sort of group date to go to the movies. He brought his mom and sister and I had my friend and cousin. We watched Tangled. I know a little kid movie, but I actually really loved it, especially because every time I would watch it I thought of him. As we sat there next to each other during the movie he reached out his hand, and for the first time I reached out and took it. Without any uneasiness or doubts my hand fit perfectly in his.

“Here I got you a present…it’s not much but I saw it and thought of you.” I pulled out a little wrapped square from my pocket and gave it to him.

“I got something for you too. Do you remember when I was at the zoo and I asked you what your favorite animal was?” He leaned down and gave me a paper bag with tissue paper sticking out of it. I started riffling through the paper.

“Yea I said white tigers…” My hands felt something in the bag and I pulled out a tiny white tiger stuffed animal.

“It’s adorable! I love it!”

“Well I actually biked back to the zoo the next day and picked it out for you, I’ glad you love it!” He opened his little wrapped package and pulled out a little plastic guitar keychain.

“I saw that and thought of you.”

“I love it! Thank you so much!” He gave me a huge hug. The he let go and looked into my eyes once again that fantasy of him kissing me was reoccurring. Instead his family called him over because they had to leave.

“I wish I didn’t have to go. I’ll text you in a little bit!”

“Ok…talk to you later” I held my little tiger close…it smelled like him, clean and manly if that even makes sense. He didn’t wear cologne, which somehow made the scent even better. I never wanted to lose it.

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