Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“I wish he meant it when he kissed me cause then I could look back and see someone who loved me but I can only go back and see someone who used me.”--Unknown

I became an expert at avoiding Jake. I’d see him and talk to Jamie or the closest one of my friends around me. When he was in a room I would pretend not to notice. Jamie was great at helping me with all this…especially after I told her what happened. Personally it was more of a challenge to keep her from hitting him in the face. I just couldn’t really confront him. I didn’t want to hang out with him for fear of making him believe we had something more than we really did. I mean I already made a mess of things…so much for me giving people chances. Ash took my mind off this stress, but at the same time this secret seemed to be choking me whenever I was around him. Why couldn’t I tell him? There wasn’t a chance for us he made it clear, then why was I acting like we were dating. I made it through the whole day without telling Ash and avoiding Jake…all this was starting to be too much. While I was driving home I called Ash.

“I have to tell you something…I’ve been kind of hiding it from you for some reason, but I really can’t keep it a secret.”

“Uh ok yea tell me…you can tell me anything.”

“Jake kissed me.”

“What? When?”

“The other day…it didn’t mean anything to me. He just reached over and kissed me, but I didn’t kiss him back and now I’m so confused. I know I have to tell him, but I’m so bad at rejecting people. I literally feel nauseous talking about it right now. I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

“Calm down…it’s going to be ok just breath. I’m glad actually, not the kiss part…I mean…uh… but the rejection part. You are too nice to ever hurt any body and that is one of the things I really like about you. But you do need to tell him.”

“Ok...I’m going to do it now before I lose the courage, but can I call you back after?”

“Yes I’ll be waiting for you.” With that I hung up on Ash and called Jake’s number.


“Uh hey Jake.”

“Hey Aria I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.” Well I guess I wasn’t as good as I thought I was.

“Actually I kind of was…only because I was confused about that kiss the other day. I didn’t know how I felt and I had to think, but now I know I just want to be friends Jake. Ok. Um… are you ok?”

“Yea I’m good… we never said we were anything, so I didn’t think of us as anything more than friends.” What? Are you kidding me? Who goes around kissing their friends! That seriously pissed me off. He was just trying to be the first one to kiss me just so he could hold the title. I definitely know I made the right choice.

“Yea ok…hey I have to go…see you at school I guess.” He said good-bye and I hung up and quickly called Ash back and told him what he said.

“Are you kidding me? Wow he is a real piece of work! I can’t believe he said that to you or did that! I mean just kissing you without your consent and then saying that…it really gets me off!”

 I’ve never heard him this mad before, but I kind of had to smile hearing that he was a little protective of me. I realized that even if we were just friends…I’d rather be completely single and hang out with him everyday than date some guy who doesn’t care about me as much as Ash does.

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