Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

“I’m only me when I’m with you.”—Taylor Swift

First day of the spring semester, Ash and I met in the parking lot at school.


“Hi.” I climbed into the passenger seat of his van.

“I really missed you.”

“I missed you too” he held out his hand and I laced my fingers through his.

“So are you ready for school?”

“Even more ready now.”

We walked up to the third floor of the building, where the HP was, hand in hand. I had to chuckle to myself at the look of everybody’s faces, including Jamie’s. I never told her what had happened over break…I kind of wanted to keep it a surprise. I looked at Ash as we waited for the HP doors to be unlocked,

“Um I’ll be right back…gonna go to the bathroom with Jamie.”

“Ok I’ll be here waiting for you.”

As soon as we got into the bathroom Jamie whirled around on one foot.

“You and Ash! I can’t believe you didn’t tell me! Are you guys together?”

“I really wanted to see the face you are making right now. Yea we are I guess…he hasn’t really asked me anything official yet.”

“I knew it! I knew you two were supposed to be together!” I loved seeing her gloat…well about this anyway.

When I came out the doors were being unlocked and Jake was holding the door open. Ash took my hand and I saw Jake’s face as he watched our hands clasped together.

“Hey Jake.” I said trying to get him to stop eyeing our hands.

“Hey guys.” He nodded to Ash and glanced at me quickly then looked away. He was mad…pretty sure of it, but I didn’t care. He could be mad all he wanted but I didn’t feel guilty for how I felt about Ash. I just know Jake wasn’t giving me any huge hug and a kiss on the forehead anytime soon.

January 11, 2011

Ash and I had been together for a little while now. It seemed to be buzzing around the HP, people would come up to me and ask if I was going out with him. It made me so happy to say yes. I was wondering when Ash would ask me to be his girlfriend though. I was kind of dying to change my facebook status from “single” to “in a relationship” but I didn’t want to do it until he asked me. At least not without telling him first in case it would freak him out. So when class was over and we were hanging out and listening to music I finally came up with the nerve to ask.

“Hey Ash… I was wondering.”

“Yes?” he leaned over toward me and pulled my hand to his chest.

“What would you do if I changed my relationship status?”

“Well I’d definitely accept the change.” He laughed a little.

“I’d really only want to do it if we were official though.” I was a little nervous so I looked at the radio.

“Well then I’ll have to fix that.” He placed his hand on my cheek and turned my face so that I was looking into his eyes.

“Will you, Aria, be my girlfriend?”

“Yes. I will” He rubbed his thumb on my now smiling cheek and I could see the mirrored smile on his face only he had dimples deeply placed in his cheeks.

He walked me to my car and once again opened the door for me. I sat down on my seat and moved over so he could too. When I turned my car on Taylor Swift still played on the radio. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and placed his hand back on my cheek and moved it under my chin to lift up my head. I looked up into those sapphire eyes that were staring into mine. Then he tilted his head down and slowly moved closer to me. He was about one inch from my face when he paused, just waiting, then I leaned closer and my lips pressed into his. This was it. This safe and loved feeling I felt right now, the melting into his arms. This was the first kiss I was supposed to have, and he waited he wanted me to kiss him back…and I did.

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