Chapter 5

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A/N: Jake (Michael Copon)

Chapter 5

“He’s like a drug for you, Bella. I see that you can’t live without him now. It’s too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun.” --Eclipse

            I kept trying to convince myself that I didn’t have feelings for Ash, but it was a double-edged sword when I hung out with him. I really liked hanging out with him and laughing with him, but hated those butterflies that would appear every time he looked at me and smiled. That little corner of his mouth would curl up and you could see a dimple in his cheek that was the cutes… ugh what’s wrong with me? And unfortunately Jamie’s belief that he liked me was starting to rub off, thoughts and ideas would float through my mind but I had to suppress them… my stupid optimism would be the death of me one day. I began to notice that Ash would mention Jess at the most random moments: we’d be laughing hysterically together about something or joking together and he’d quickly mention how Jess liked this, or never really thought that was too funny. Then the conversation would go silent for a couple seconds. Jamie believed it was his way of reminding himself, keeping some distance. I really hated that. In the mean time Jake started talking to me more.

“Hey I was wondering if I could get your number…you know so we could text or something, or I could invite you to hang out with me sometime…” Jake’s glance wavered from my face to the floor. I had to turn away from his face before I answered.

“Yea sure…that’s fine.” What else could I really say? He was already my friend on facebook…and it’s not like I really had anything else going on in my life.

In The Car With My Mom

“So Aria who is the one sending you all those texts?” She tried to lean over and read the message on my phone.

“My friend Jake.”

Friend? Is he nice”

“Yea he’s cool. But we’re just friends.” I kept eye contact with her trying to convince her “mom mind” that friends really meant friends.

“I know.” Success, the eye contact actually put my point across. “But I just want to make sure you’re not closing yourself off to other guys because of Ash…who by the way likes you I know that for a fact!” Scratch that… mom one me zero, it killed me how she could always make a come back to prove her point.

“Ha! You and Jamie both…but I don’t think so. I’m not closing myself off to anyone…whatever happens happens.”

At Home

Jake text me a lot, I really didn’t mind, but I began to realize he didn’t really talk about the same things Ash did.

J: So can I ask u sumthin personal?

Me: sure

J: r u a um…virgin?

Seeing that made me a little uneasy, I didn’t feel that I was really close enough to Jake yet, but at the same time I didn’t have anything to hide. It wasn’t something I was ashamed of.

Me: Yes I am. I’ve actually never even had a bf.

J: So you’ve never been kissed then?

Me: Well 1st grade…but that kid surprised me so it doesn’t count

J: I guess we’ll have 2 change that lol

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