Chapter 4

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A/N: Jamie (Brittany Snow)

Chapter 4

  “I don’t let nobody see me wishin’ he was mine.”—Taylor Swift

            Ash walked me out to the parking area where I waited for my mom.

            “ So I’m going to take my driver’s test soon…I’ll finally get my license.”

            “ That’s great! You’ll be driving like the rest of us… but please be careful no drinking and driving!” Ash stuck out his arm and looped mine around his.

            “ Uh duh ha ha I’m not twenty one anyway…nineteen remember. And I thought you had a good memory?”

            “ I’m just messing with you, and I have a great memory!” Ash stuck his tongue out playfully. “ Oh hey by any chance do you have a facebook?” I saw my mom pull up so I gave Ash a quick hug and ran to the car.

            “Yea it’s Aria Winchester, add me!’

            I couldn’t wait to check facebook. I felt so dumb when I got excited to see the request: Ash Miada wants to be your friend. I quickly pushed confirm…when did I become so lame? Then I remembered he said that some of his guitar videos were on his profile so I figured I would check them out…it wasn’t exactly facebook stocking yet was it? My heart began to beat a little faster when I watched him play…I always fell for the guitar player. He was really good too. I started to laugh a little at the face he would make when he played. His eyebrows would furrow, eyes squint a little, and he would pout his lips. It was an adorable mix of concentration and goofiness.

            After some time of checking my notifications I decided to log off. One minute later I got a text from Ash:

            Ash:  u logged off?

            Me: yea I got bored lol why?

            Ash: I just got on I wanted 2 talk 2 u. L

         Me: oh ok I’ll log back on!

            I logged back on and we began to IM. I was telling him about the funny face he would make as he played guitar when I accidentally clicked back onto his profile. Then my eyes glanced over to the left side and my heart stopped. Ash Miada is in a relationship with Jess Ramirez. I couldn’t stop my finger from clicking the girl’s name and going to her profile. She seemed all right, dark skin with black hair that went to her shoulders. I wouldn’t consider her drop dead gorgeous but more like an everyday pretty. I mean I know I’m not the drop dead type, but I guess I wanted to consider myself a little bit prettier than her…you know ease my mind. That’s when an IM from Ash interrupted my thoughts:

            Ash: So what u think…u like the song?

            Me: oh uh yea I liked it…it’s one of my favs I think

            Ash: oh yea mine too! Jess doesn’t like it that much.

            I figured I had to play it cool…he never mentioned Jess before.

            Me: Jess?

            Ash:  Yea she’s uh my gf.

            Me: oh ok. How long have you been 2gether?

            Ash: like a couple months…we met over summer at a convention and hit it off.

            Me: that’s cute.

            Ash: yea but I haven’t seen her since then…it’s hard cuz she lives in Maryland

            Me:  oh I gotcha…yea that’s hard.

            After that Ash changed the conversation over to hobbies and music. We spent an hour talking to each other. Stupidly I felt heartbroken. Why? It’s not like we were anything. We were just friends, the same thing I’d been saying the entire time; I don’t know why I felt a little hurt now. All I knew was I had to talk to Jamie tomorrow and tell her the news.

The Next Day

            “I can’t freaking believe it! He has a girlfriend? But he flirts with you I know he does! If I did that and my boyfriend saw me he’d be pissed! I still say he likes you, in fact I guarantee that!” that became the chorus from Jamie for the entire day.

            “Yea well it’s whatever now. The story of my life you know. I can’t believe you had me starting to believe that though… why did I put my guard down? I knew it was a bad idea!”

            “I’m so sorry. But I still think I’m right! And who knows he’s dating her but he met her before he met you, maybe he’ll like you more and plus you’re here. I’ve never seen two people fit better than you two.” Jamie proudly sat down on the bench. Half of a victorious smile was on her face.  I noticed Jake was sitting on the bench too. He moved over so I could sit in the middle. Jake was another student in the HP. I’ve seen him around before, shared light conversation nothing really important. Jake was around the same height as Ash, maybe an inch or two shorter. He was tanner though, Filipino. He had short black hair that stood straight up. He was bulkier than Ash. Instead of thin muscular arms he had thicker muscular arms.

            “Hey Aria.” He looked up from his phone and smiled at me.

            “Hey Jake, how was your weekend?” I sat down in the middle between Jake and Jamie.

            “Same old… kind of boring. I mean its Tuesday and I’m already wishing it’s the weekend. You?”

            “Yea it was alright nothing special.”

            “That kind of sucks. What about next week any special plans?” He set his phone down and looked straight at me. His glance never wavered.

            “Um… I think I have to do some Christmas program practice for my youth group. Why?” Jake’s smile dropped a little.

            “Oh I was gonna ask if you wanted to do something.” Just before I could answer Jamie tapped me on the shoulder. Apparently she hadn’t been paying attention to Jake’s and my conversation.

            “I’m so tired… I had such a weird dream, but I can’t remember what it was.” She pretended to be asleep on the top of the bench and then laughed.

            “Oh I know me too. I could literally lie down somewhere right now!” I joked with her as I yawned.

            “Well you could lie back on my lap if you want… I really don’t mind.” Jake interjected. I turned back toward Jake, I felt a little uncomfortable because I never really had a large conversation with him. I brushed it aside thinking he was just being nice.

            “Maybe I’ll keep that in mind if the day gets really bad.” I tried to give a little smile and laugh to hide the uneasiness I had felt. Jamie suddenly tapped me again when she saw our professor open the door for class. “Bye Jake see you later!” I picked up my bag and noticed Jake got up with me.

            “Yea bye Aria talk to you later!” He leaned in and gave me a huge hug and kissed the top of my head. He waved goodbye to Jamie and then walked to the HP. I stopped for a second and felt the little gut feeling come back again. What was that? Did he do that to every girl?

Fairytale Realityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें