Chapter 6

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A/N: Aria's Mom (Sigourney Weaver)

Chapter 6

"He'll never fall in love he swears as he runs his fingers through his hair, I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong."—Taylor Swift

The entire writing class was headed to the school art gallery to observe paintings and see if any inspire us to write a story.  As usual Ash and I walked together, my arm looped in his.

“So you know the Christmas program I’ve been practicing for…I was wondering if you’d like to go see it? Its tons of music, with guitars…I know how you like those.” I stared straight ahead just waiting for the answer; the stupid butterflies were doing back flips.

“Yea that sounds like a lot of fun! I’ll have to check with my mom, but I’m sure I’m free!” He kind of half smiled, it didn’t reach all the way up to his dimples.

“I mean you don’t have to come…I’m not forcing you or anything-”

“What? No I want to come. Sorry I’m a little distracted… here read this.” Ash took out his phone from his pocket and scrolled through his text messages. Then he handed me the phone.

Jess: Ash we have been trying at this for a while and its just not working out. We r 2 different and its 2 hard to try and make this work. Its over.

“Did she seriously-”

“And she defriended me from facebook too, before I saw the message.” He looked at the text again and put his phone back in his pocket.

“Hey she’s a jerk, like class A jerk! Nobody should treat someone like that…she doesn’t deserve you at all. That’s the difference I see between the two of you, you could never do that to someone, and she would without a second thought.” I felt my blood beginning to boil. How could somebody treat another person like that, breaking up in a text?

“Thanks but it wasn’t a total surprise…we were having a lot of problems and I was going to break up with her, I guess she just beat me to it.”

“How are you though?”

“I’m all right, I mean it kind of hurts to be broken up with like that, but I’ll get over it.” He squeezed my arm a little and we walked into the gallery.

As I walked around the room admiring the paintings I saw a flash go off. I turned to see Ash holding up his camera and pointing it toward me. Then another flash.

“What are you doing?” I tried to hide behind my notebook.

“The professor wanted me to take photos of everyone admiring the work.” He laughed at the fact I was still hiding. The dimples made a deep appearance now. “Come on don’t hide, one more please!”

“Ok fine. I took the notebook down and smiled for the picture.” Another flash.

“Perfect.” He looked down at the picture and smiled, then turned the corner to take more.

After Class

Ash walked me to my car and we talked about my upcoming birthday.

“So should I send you a text early in the morning or yell ‘happy birthday’ when I see you?”

“Please don’t do either. I hate when people send those early morning messages…I’m still sleeping, that just wakes me up and its harder for me to go back to sleep. The other one will just make me blush and get embarrassed.”

“Well I might do the second one…especially if you’ll blush. What time do you get up?”

“At 7am.”

Later that day I was texting Jake and somehow my birthday was also the subject.

J: So I’ll txt u happy bday then

Me: just as long as its not early in the morning I hate when people do that. I can’t sleep then.

J: lol I think its kinda funny

My Birthday

I was fast asleep when I heard my text message bing go off. I peeled my eyelids open and reached for the phone. The bright light blinded me and when my eyes adjusted I could see 5a.m. on the front. There was a message from Jake on my phone.

J: Happy bday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gee thanks Jake. Now I had to try and go to sleep before my alarm went off in two hours. By the time 7 rolled around I felt like I hadn’t slept at all. It was nice of him to send me a message, but I really hated how early he did it. I was brushing my teeth when the bing went off again. I looked at my phone to see a message from Ash:

Ash: Hey it’s 7:02 now so I know you’re awake, and I just wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday! Have a great day see u later J

This time the butterflies were pounding away in my stomach. I just knew there wasn’t any dilemma anymore. It was Ash, always had been. Now I could see what everyone had been saying, or I let myself see it now. He liked me, he had to! I just had to wait for him to say it.

Last Day Before Thanksgiving Break

Before walking to my car Ash and I sat down at one of the outside tables.

“I haven’t eaten anything all day. You don’t mind do you?” He reached down and grabbed his lunch box.

“No that’s fine go for it.”

“Hey Ash!” This older man about forty came walking up over to our table.

“Hey! Aria this is Tim, we had a class together before. How are you?”

“I’ve been good. This your wife?” Tim looked over at me.

“” Ash laughed a little, and so did I.

“Your girlfriend then?” This time I didn’t say anything. I was afraid to. If I said no and he did like me, I might crush him.

“Uh…um…we’re… really good friends.” I could tell he was very uncomfortable right now.

Our walk to my car was pretty normal…neither of us mentioned anything about Tim calling me his girlfriend. Well I didn’t mention it till I got home.

Me: so you were really awkward today

Ash: when?

Me: When that guy asked if I was your girlfriend

Ash: oh…well I think that is a subject we need to talk about in person. When we see each other after break.

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