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“I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.”—Pride and Prejudice

            Jake started dating another girl in the HP, Izzy, not so long after he saw Ash and I together. At first he wouldn’t talk or look at me until I directly spoke to him, but after a while that wore off and we became friends again. Izzy and Jake had a lot in common…they were both very persistent and passionate people. I think they dated for a little while but were more on and off if anything. As for Ash and I:

            “I love you.” We were sitting together in the back of his van. He took his hand and moved the dark strand of my hair out of my eyes and tucked it behind my ear.

            “I love you too.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to my, so soft and loving.

            “I have been dying to tell you that. I love you. I love you so much Aria.”

            “I’ve been dying to tell you too, I’ve almost said it on accident a couple of times.”

            “Well please say it as much as you want.” He smiled and I placed my thumb next to his dimple.

            “I love you, I love you, I love you!” I laughed and Ash kissed me again.

            “You remember when I brought you to your car the day of the Christmas program?”

            “Yes why?” I tilted my head waiting for the answer

            “That night when you were sitting in your car…I wanted to just lean down and kiss your lips. The same on our first date at the movies, when I hugged you, I wanted to kiss you. Except I had to go with my family, that was one of the hardest things I had to do, walk away from you.”

            “Well you can kiss me as much as you want.” I leaned in and kissed his lips lightly. He grabbed both my hands and brought them to his lips.

            “The day back from Thanksgiving break when I told you I didn’t want a relationship…you never left my mind. When I told you those things, your eyes were so disappointed. I wanted to just take you in my arms and kiss you, make it all better, but I thought what I was doing was for the best. I’m sorry.” This time he tilted his head down and looked away. I put both hands on the sides of his face and pulled his head up so I could look into my favorite eyes.

            “You have nothing to apologize for my love!” He kissed me again his soft lips full of love and passion, and in that moment I got a taste of our happily ever after.

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