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(Y/N) awoke to the sound of hysterical laughter. Slowly, she lifted herself and did all the necessary things she needed to do. The girl made her way towards the sounds of chatter.

"Puddin', I missed ya so much!" Harley spoke as she laced her hands around Jokers neck, "Thank you for coming to get me."

"Of course, Harls," He smiled and placed a delicate kiss on her lips, his eyes making their way towards (Y/N) standing in the doorway, "Harls, why don't you go get some food, hm? I'll speak to (Y/N) here and then you and I will go have some fun?" Harley nodded and then went to do just that.

"So it worked out?" (Y/N) asked gently as she sat opposite Joker. For some reason she didn't feel happy that Harley came back. Since she's back, (Y/N) knows that Joker will change his attitude towards her. His partner in crime is back so he's stronger than before.

"Mhm! It was so... Spectacular! I've never seen so many people terrified of what was going to happen to them." He laughed and placed his eyes on her, slowly noticing all of the emotions he felt towards the girl making their way into his heart and mind.

(Y/N) smiled sadly whilst looking down, "That's good then. I won't interrupt you two. I'll be in my room." She stood up and expected him to say something but he didn't. The girl walked back into her room and sat down at her desk. She fiddled with the pencil before placing it's sharp tip on the smooth sheet.

Dear whoever reads this,

I want to go home, yet I want to stay. I've been so lonely here yet so happy... Maybe because I met Ashton? He hasn't come back yet, I haven't seen him in a few days. I'm slightly worried.

Joker has become nicer, he told me about his parents and I could tell it hurt him. I felt awful for saying all those bad things about him. I didn't know him.. I still don't but I believe that he's not entirely bad. There must be some good in his heart. Sometimes I like to think that Joker was a nice guy before he became, well... Joker. I believe that he had a strikingly beautiful girlfriend, maybe a child on the way? I'm still not sure of his age but he seems fairly young, maybe 25? 26? Maybe even 27?

His eyes attract me and make my heart feel some kind of way. Is it bad?

I guess there's a different side to everyone. Hopefully there's a different side to Joker.

(Y/N) xo

She stood up and folded the note then placed it under her pillow. She found herself standing and gazing through the dirty window. Soft breaths fogging the glass as she moved closer to it; deepening her intense stare. Slim fingers touched the glass and traced around the trees swaying in the gloomy morning.

Keeping her gaze on the world she could not interact with, her hands pushed her away from the window. She sat down on her bed and glanced at the door. Would exploring hurt her?

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