Pregnant (Edited)

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Six weeks later,

I was doing good. I had rent all paid up for the next six months. I even had groceries stocked up. My old job called saying that if I wanted my job I could come back and get it. Apparently, after I gave my statement to the police, the criminals who claimed they knew me could not give the police any credible information about me at all. I was fired for no reason.. It is because of my anger that I refuse to go back to that gas station.

The bad part is I haven't found another job yet, which sucks. I will eventually run out of money soon. I don't know what I will do when that happens. I've put in several applications, but I haven't had any bites. All I have is a high school diploma and eight months of work experience. I wish someone out there would give me a chance.

I planned on going out again today, but I cancelled. For the last week it seems I've been sick every morning. I made an appointment for later today to get checked out. It i is where I am headed to now. I only hope that this doesn't turn into an expensive appointment. I can barely afford going to this one. I don't have insurance. I can't afford insurance. I barely have enough for rent and food. I am not eligible for food stamps for some reason.

I stepped into my doctors office and filled out the slip. A few minutes later, they called me to the back. A man came in. "Hello, Ms. Rivers, my name is Dr. Rush. I understand you've been having flu like symptoms."

I nodded. "Yes, I am nauseated and constantly throwing up. It's only in the morning though and when it happens it completely messes with my bowels. I've used the bathroom on myself twice because my heads in the toilet." I swallowed down the embarrassment. This was a doctor.

"Okay," he says. He begins asking me other routine questions all of which I deny. "Last period," he asks.

I think on this. I cannot remember. "I'm not sure. I did donate eggs and I had to take a hormone they said that would affect my period."

"When did you stop taking the hormone?" He asks.

I mentally calculate. "Five or six weeks ago, right after the procedure."

Dr. Rush nods. "Is it possible you're pregnant?"

I want to laugh. Me. "No, not at all." I say.

"Okay, well I want to take a urinary sample and test some things okay."

I do as he says. Then I have to wait a full fifteen minutes before the man returns. "Our test confirms it and it explains your symptoms and why you haven't had a period. You're pregnant."

I laugh. "Yeah right."

"No, you're pregnant." He says. "I would say about six weeks."

I stop laughing right away. "Wait, what. No. I haven't even had sex. How is that even possible? I'm not pregnant. I can't be. This is just not possible."

Dr. Rush stands there like a deer in headlights. "I'm sorry," he says.

"Are you sure?" I ask and he nods.

"I have some time. I could give you an ultrasound to make sure."

I agree to this. He does the procedure for me and sure enough on the screen is my baby. I stare at it in complete shock. In the end, I am driving home with tears in my eyes. I don't know how this has happened. I haven't gone out to any parties. Did someone break into my apartment and make me forget.? I'm not stupid enough to think this is a virgin pregnancy. Someone raped me.

At home I stare at my child's sonogram and all I can mange to do is cry. In the midst of this crying, I realize that I have a message on my phone. I check it because no one really calls me. It is the LIfe Clinic. They need me to come in tomorrow at 8am. The Life Clinic. I wonder what that is about. I put it out of my mind.


My baby.

My baby's life.

I decide right then and there that I am going to keep my child. I don't know how we will survive, but I promise this baby that we will survive.

Preview of the next chapter:

"Ms. Rivers, please come in. I'm Dr. Barnes. Please take a seat. " He's old.

I step inside the room and freeze. I can see across from me at the table is someone I've seen a thousand times. I've never seen this person in person before. I have seen him all over the TV and in movies. My heart begins to beat fast as I stare at Logan Spade.

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